Coyote Buttes South permits

Scott Chandler

Wildness is a necessity- John Muir
Jan 4, 2014
My dad is really interested in visiting Coyote Buttes South but has a question about permits. He really fears that if he wanted to go there and got a permit he would have to make a side trip to Kanab to pick the permit up. He was wondering if he got a permit online he would be able to print it out at home. We know South is far less popular than North so we wondered if the BLM is as strict about handing permits over person to person.

Does anyone have insight on the permit process for CB South and this question?
No printing out permits online, you have to pick them up. They used to mail them, but no longer from what I understand. If the Paria contact station is open, you can usually pick them up there but I believe you have to choose your pickup point when you reserve.
Thanks for pointing that out smarty pants. It's all managed by the same folks in the same system so I would have assumed no longer mailing Paria permits would carry over. Good to know they still mail the other ones. I wonder why they stopped with Paria. Very inconvenient.
I've never got a Paria Canyon permit, so I didn't know they didn't mail those...but I've received all my CB permits through the mail

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