Coyote Buttes in May

I took a sick day today because I'm all dizzy...ignore my weirdness...
It's January 31st, time to see how many people are vying for those 310 advance permits to see the Wave in May 2014. :)

As of 4:30 PM, 1/31/14:

That's a total of 9,749 applications and 31,009 people.

Roughly a 0.9% chance of winning.

One more crazy thought about the lottery... that's a whole lot of money!

620 awarded permits in May = $3,100
9,749 applications = $48,745

I suppose those application counts could include the second and third choices though, in which case that $48k number would be 1/3 the amount, but that's still $16,250 + $3,100 = $19,350.

This thing really is turning into the lottery. They should just call it PowerWave™ and start awarding cash prizes with each winning permit! :lol:
As I say, it's Utah's legal lottery.

The sad thing is I bet the permit lottery revenue doesn't stay in the region.
Looks like a cool spot, always have enjoyed the photos. I hate permits. I love Montana. As long as we don't do the Smith River (and have done that a couple times) or Nat'l Parks, you can go anywhere you want, anytime you want, camp anywhere you want. The freedom, that's half the allure of backcountry isn't it.
I was at the Kanab field office on Monday, Feb. 3, to apply for a walk-in permit to CBNorth. There were 26 applicants for the 10 slots, and I didn't win. They said that the previous Friday, when they drew for tickets for Sat., Sun., and Mon., there were 60 applicants on hand. I went back on Wed. Feb. 5. There were 16 applicants, and my number was the first one out of the basket. Having been to the Wave a couple of times already, I decided to come up from the south (Cottonwood Cove, where I already had a ticket), and walk up to Toprock from there. I wanted to explore Toprock; if I saw the Wave, fine; if I didn't, that would be OK. When I got to the top of Toprock, it was not as easy to get around as I had assumed. So I wandered around for a couple of hours and returned to my truck, calling it a day. I missed the Wave, the big sand pile, and Melody Arch, which I really wanted to see, mostly because of poor planning. I should've waypointed them in my Garmin beforehand. But it was a nice hike and I'm glad I did it.

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