Complete Noob from Louisiana


New Member
Oct 12, 2015
Hello everyone my name is Aaron. I'm a career firefighter and have been through so many hobbies trying to find that one till I discovered hiking. Our family went to Tennessee and hiked maybe a mile to sit see and I got hooked. We have a few trails close to me 1 is 2.1 miles and another is 6.4 miles. I'm currently looking to get my first pack and deciding between a small 30 liter or a larger 45 liter pack. I will be doing day hikes for now and once my 2 boys get older we may venture into overnight hikes. I'm still learning the basics and what to pack but I'm enjoying every minute of it! Plus it's exercise which really helps me at work!

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Welcome from a fellow Louisianan.

Check out Kisatchie Nat Forrest for some good hikes in central La. Backbone Trail is really unique terrain. Rocks in Louisiana.

Clark Creek near Angola is also a nice day hike area. It's just inside Mississippi. It has the only waterfalls anywhere close to south La.

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Thanks, looking at the trails around the Northshore Area to get started

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Hello Aaron!

Welcome! I consider myself pretty Noobish too, and while I have and continue to do research upon research, the people on this site have already taught me so much. Also, you learn a lot of things the hard way, but that is what makes it an adventure! Glad to have you.