Colorado Trail Section Hike, June 2018


May 25, 2018
20180620_185013 by Nomadic Pawprints, on Flickr


I was beginning to think someone didn’t want me hiking this trail. Two mornings my truck wouldn’t start due to the cold and higher elevation. Then my backpack broke after I had already loaded it and stored it in a tote for the next day. I had to make a 120 mile trip to Colorado Springs to buy a replacement during which time I also got a nail in my tire. It was definitely an ordeal getting to this point, but two days after I was supposed to start we were finally on the trail…on the summer solstice aka Hike Naked Day (and no, I did not).

Continues below:

Thanks for sharing!

It really did seem like fate was against you in the beginning. Glad you got out there anyways!

Did you see any nude hikers?

That sounded like a lot of miles and elevation gain. So odd that you weren't STARVING haha.

I didn't notice more than one dog in your pictures. Do you have 2? Do they both fit comfortably with you in your tent?
Thanks for sharing!

It really did seem like fate was against you in the beginning. Glad you got out there anyways!

Did you see any nude hikers?

That sounded like a lot of miles and elevation gain. So odd that you weren't STARVING haha.

I didn't notice more than one dog in your pictures. Do you have 2? Do they both fit comfortably with you in your tent?

Thanks for reading.

No nude hikers...some cute guys though so was hoping

I find that that much exertion really numbs my appetite and actually makes food sound was worse on the Uinta Highline Trail (that report will come).

For some reason I actually didn't take that many pictures on this trip...probably because there weren't many views that weren't trees. I do have two dogs and they both fit great in my Duplex (now replaced by a Stratospire Li with the same floor dimensions). My 23" wide Klymit pad overlaps their CCF pad slightly but that also helps to keep theirs in place better. They both generally curl up just fine on the CCF pad and have plenty of space.
Thanks for reading.

No nude hikers...some cute guys though so was hoping

I find that that much exertion really numbs my appetite and actually makes food sound was worse on the Uinta Highline Trail (that report will come).

For some reason I actually didn't take that many pictures on this trip...probably because there weren't many views that weren't trees. I do have two dogs and they both fit great in my Duplex (now replaced by a Stratospire Li with the same floor dimensions). My 23" wide Klymit pad overlaps their CCF pad slightly but that also helps to keep theirs in place better. They both generally curl up just fine on the CCF pad and have plenty of space.

Haha oh my.

Does that feeling eventually fade gor you? Like what is the longest you have been on trail?

Oow sounds like they are nice and cozy then! My dog hates walking, but someday I want to be able to have a fur baby partner too. I just can't imagine we wouldn't be squished in my current tent.
Longest I've been on trail was 7 not long. Those two hikes were the only ones I lost my appetite for...been just fine on the rest.
Looked like a good trip. The rest of your blog is great, too!

I, too, find that I often have no appetite after a really tough day. I thought I was the only one. I haven't found a great way to combat it yet.
Looked like a good trip. The rest of your blog is great, too!

I, too, find that I often have no appetite after a really tough day. I thought I was the only one. I haven't found a great way to combat it yet.

Thank you. So many more trip reports to put out there too.

I actually started a thread over on WB about it...plenty of others suffer from it too, but seems mostly restricted to those days of extra exertion than normal
Thank you. So many more trip reports to put out there too.

I actually started a thread over on WB about it...plenty of others suffer from it too, but seems mostly restricted to those days of extra exertion than normal
Sorry if a dumb question, but what is "WB"?
Part 2:

Day 3 – Frenchman Creek Campsite to Silver Creek Campsite (9 miles)

Kye startled me awake this morning with a few barks at 6:30. Kye rarely barks and it had me on edge not knowing what it was. I called out “what’s out there” thinking it was a critter if some kind. A voice answered back “it’s just me”…like I would know who “me” was. Either way the voice confirmed it was a person although I hadn’t expected to have another person walk through my campsite so early in the morning. It was only later that I realized there was another trail (French Creek Trail) that went right by where I was camped.
