Cell service in American Fork Canyon will be a reality by 2020

I love not having cell service when I go deep into the wilderness. But I think it's just fine if busy canyons like AF have service and I actually think it's a good idea in some cases. There's a really easy way to fix it if anyone doesn't like it... turn it off!
Yea ..... I'm so excited... Now we can take more selfies
I think you may be confused about the necessary elements to create a selfie. Cell service has nothing to do with it.

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Except that when you want to immediately send it out to show the world ....... Which most do
Whatever. No one is forcing you to turn your phone on, or even bring it with you for that matter. Heck you don't have HAVE to have a smartphone in the first place, I don't. We all act like our phones are the ones in charge instead of the other way around........... okay stepping off my soap box now. ;)
The only thing I don’t use my iPhone for is to take or make phone calls. (Except to my mother)
Whatever. No one is forcing you to turn your phone on, or even bring it with you for that matter. Heck you don't have HAVE to have a smartphone in the first place, I don't. We all act like our phones are the ones in charge instead of the other way around........... okay stepping off my soap box now. ;)
That's the thing .. . So many have it attached... At home at store at movie at gym at game on a walk in the car....they can't put it down or not look at it when it dings.
I'll admit it would be hard for me not to use mine if j had service on a backpacking trip. I'd turn it on to send a text to my wife, but I'd definitely get distracted by all the other stuff I'd get notified about. 100% a personal problem, but I do appreciate having no service at all in most places I go to recreate.
It is fun to call my wife from some awesome spot every few days but other than that, it sits in my pack in the off mode. Watching dipsh*ts walk away to take selfies that make them look outdoorsy is entertaining.
Big discussion on this over on FB as well. From what I'd seen in comments, sounds like the coverage area will be largely confined to the road sides and nearer to it...and lots of good arguments for its justification. Lots of vandalism and other heinous acts happen up there, unfortunately, and it's best if someone else can call in and report something of that nature to authorities sooner than later if witnessed, not to mention emergency situations for the average joe that doesn't have a sat communicator.