Careers of

I'm a presales engineer, designing networks large and small and then assisting in the sale of the equipment and services required to build them out. Used to do the actual hands on work, but moved to the dark side where I stay technical but don't have to pull nights and weekends. I work from home and travel maybe 3 days a year, with a good amount of PTO from having been with this company coming up on 7 years.
I am an accountant for a utility company here in Montana. Before this, I worked for a telecom company (also in MT) and even before that I worked for a large construction company in Southern California. Always worked in various accounting roles since college.

A few years ago I finished my MBA, which has allowed me now to moonlight as an adjunct instructor at our local college. I've often thought about trying to get on full time as a professor and getting my summers off, even though it would be a significant cut in pay. But, for now, I enjoy my full time job and being able to teach part time. I still am able to find enough time to hike and backpack, although maybe not as much as I'd like to sometimes.
I'm a presales engineer, designing networks large and small and then assisting in the sale of the equipment and services required to build them out. Used to do the actual hands on work, but moved to the dark side where I stay technical but don't have to pull nights and weekends. I work from home and travel maybe 3 days a year, with a good amount of PTO from having been with this company coming up on 7 years.

Very handy not having to do the weekend/after hours things! They seem to always screw up weekend plans at the last minute :(
I spend 1/3 of my time working for a small 2 person architecture firm in Basalt, Co. The other third photographing architecture for local architects and designers, and the last third marveling how lucky I am, spending time with Nancy who has put up with me for 37 years.

Sweet gig.
Grew up on a farm in Nebraska and up until 4 years ago worked mostly in various parts of the ag industry, mostly doing farm work of some sort. During my college years I worked summers at a state park and ended up doing like 7 summers there. for the past 4 years I have worked at a fairly large fertilizer plant as a plant operator, which mostly involves playing with ammonia and wrangling big, spiteful machinery systems.
Can't beat playing with ammonia! :p
It was a dress with fishnet stalkings and 5'10" canyoneers in the Narrows. I am crazy but not crazy enough to hike in high heels down the Narrows with a 40lb backpack on.[emoji38][emoji38][emoji38]

I will get back to ya all on what I do later. It is time to work now.

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I love it! I told my friend that I saw some girls rockin' some cocktail dresses while hiking and it is on our list now! :) But I agree, hiking in heels would just be dangerous lol.
I'm a system administrator for county government based out of Farmington. I work a 4-10 schedule which allows me the option of 3day weekend adventures or a day that I can carve some outside time for myself. More often than not, I'll keep my kids home from preschool/daycare and try and spend meaningful time together, always trying for it to be outside. It seems as if the rest of the week is such a rush and blur of pickups, dinner, bath, and bed, that I consider myself lucky to have that option.

Probably my favorite part of my job is that my office is tucked up against the mountains and I have a big view out my window of the great trail system in the foothills that I'm able to get out and run on during lunch or after work.
Currently a network operator for BYU Broadcasting, specifically BYU-TV. I also do some quality control checks on media files from our post production department before loading them up in our servers, and ingesting of our sports media content. I started over 5 years ago in a different position doing mostly media ingest, quality control checks, transcoding for web, radio, OTA, and other distribution mediums under a different department that had me getting about a month's worth of PTO right off the bat, but that department was dissolved and re-organized two years into it, essentially dissolving my position and re-assigning me to where I'm at now. After a campus audit, my PTO for each year was cut in half so that now every 5 years, I get to accrue a couple more days per year, until it reaches the threshold I had enjoyed before. Fortunately, I did not have any drop in pay. Being in a department that runs 24/7, I get to rotate through some shifts with abnormal/irregular hours than the standard weekday workday hours. Fortunately we have students hired to watch over the channels in the overnight hours, but I still have to work weekends and late nights every other month. Fortunately, in those same months, I get Tuesdays and Wednesdays off as my weekend and I actually like this for much of the year because it means local trails camping spots are a lot less crowded. It's really great in the summer when I can take my kids out on a Tuesday and camp at spots that would otherwise be all booked up on weekends. Overall, I enjoy the job working in a high-tech facility, with some great people, and great benefits.
Nice! Hiking in high heels and dresses. Pics?

I asked someone else here, I think @blueeyes , and she actually came through with pics. ....looking for thread....

Sorry friend, the heels and dresses are for when I am NOT hiking haha but a dress while hiking is on the To-Do List.
Those would be some amazing photos with the backdrop of nature! Lol
I'm the director of licensing & trademarks for BYU. I oversee the university's logos/trademarks. I work a lot with companies that make BYU merchandise and the retailers that sell it...that's why I'm usually wearing BYU gear in all my photos :)
And as my side hustle I'm a hired hitman, primarily in eastern Europe.
I'm the director of licensing & trademarks for BYU. I oversee the university's logos/trademarks. I work a lot with companies that make BYU merchandise and the retailers that sell it...that's why I'm usually wearing BYU gear in all my photos :)
And as my side hustle I'm a hired hitman, primarily in eastern Europe.

Oh snap....*mental note* never get on your bad side.
But I will make sure to contact you if I need someone taken out! Haha jk jk
I'm self-employed so I don't know anything about this
PTO of which you all speak.

Work=Get paid. No work=No pay.

Everybody wants to live a full life. Unfortunately, many are limited
by pain and they feel frustrated. I help others get rid of their limitations
to live a full life.
In real life I am a quiet, mild-mannered social worker, educated with a Psychology from Michigan State University and a Master's degree in social work with a specialty certificate in alcohol and drug abuse from Western Michigan University. I worked in substance abuse rehab for a few years, detoured to work in a residential program for adolescent sexual offenders, then spent twenty years doing phone and in-person counseling and case management in an employee assistance program before being laid off this past December 4. Out of work for two month and on severance, I am working to finalize some requirements for licensing and certification and in a few weeks when this is all done I will start aggressively searching for a new job.

However, in an ideal world I have loads of time to travel, hike, and enjoy the outdoors, working as a prolific movie-maker creating suspense and horror film classics, and basking in my reputation as a latter-day Alfred Hitchcock. I also have a basset hound and Jeep Wrangler.
A very interesting thread. I love it so far.

I am not so sure which is real life or real life?
In order to pay the bills and keep the wife and kids somewhat happy and fed... I do have a place I go every day.
I used to run Lean operations with hundreds of employees spread out across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Also worked with vendors in India and China... traveled bunches, fought work fires constantly, and always felt I was behind. I was close to my dream career, and ended up hating it.

Now, I run client services at the same place (just a mile or so from my house) with a few hundred lenders and banks. I now have only a small handful of loyal, hardworking employees on my team. I still get to travel some and no longer take calls from overseas at 2 or 3am.
A much better win! Plus I have some great friends at work with the same interests outside of the office. I am well known among the significant others of my coworkers as the guy who plants the crazy ideas or even steals them on the weekends.

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