Capitol Reef NP - Cassidy Arch from Cohab Canyon Trail


Formerly Cuberant
Aug 8, 2016
A few weeks ago I got to spend a little over a week in Capitol Reef National Park. Other than just driving through places like Zion NP, Cedar Breaks, etc. I have never done any hiking anywhere in southern Utah. I was inspired by all of the great posts here on BCP to give it a try so my wife and I took the 5th wheel down to Torrey.

I had to work part of the time but managed to check off all of the "strenuous" trails in the Fruita Area Hiking Trails Guide. These included...

Cassidy Arch
Chimney Rock Loop
Freemont Gorge Overlook
Frying Pan
Golden Throne
Old Wagon Trail Loop
Rim Overllook
Navajo Knobs

I enjoyed every one of them with my second favorite being Cassidy Arch via Cohab Canyon/Frying Pan trails. Here are some highlights from the hike...

From the top of the initial switchbacks of the Cohab Canyon trail looking over the campground toward Freemont Gorge...


Entering the top of Cohab Canyon...


Starting up the Frying Pan trail you run across this interesting fellow. I don't know if the formation has a name or not but I named him The Sentinel...


Crossing the next drainage...


Cassidy Arch from above...


A parting shot looking across Grand Wash...


A little video of the hike...

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You got some nice light across Ferns Nipple and neighbors there with some nice contrast against the darker clouds. Some of my favorite views of the park are from up on that Frying Pan Trail. When you say it was your second favorite hike, I'm going to guess your first favorite was the Knobs?
You got some nice light across Ferns Nipple and neighbors there with some nice contrast against the darker clouds. Some of my favorite views of the park are from up on that Frying Pan Trail. When you say it was your second favorite hike, I'm going to guess your first favorite was the Knobs?

Thanks. I really wish I knew what I was doing taking pics. I guess I get lucky from time to time.

Yes, the Knobs for sure!
Frying Pan is great (as are the knobs, but my kids prefer Frying pan). Did you go up the actual canyon of Frying pan at all?
Frying Pan is great (as are the knobs, but my kids prefer Frying pan). Did you go up the actual canyon of Frying pan at all?

No I didn't. This was an end-of-the-day hike and I was pressed for time to get out before dark. I would love to explore that area more... maybe even walk the wash down the the highway.