Camping above tree line...


Jan 17, 2012
...during monsoon season?

It seems like it could be a bad idea, but I do see people doing it. Anyone have any experience or thoughts on it?
I have done it, that said I would not have done it in a tent or if I didn't have an alcove / rock that I could use as part of my shelter with my tarp.
It pretty much rains/storms in the San Juan's every afternoon.

Sounds like you're planning a trip! I'm looking forward to the pictures. It all depends on the amount of other shelter around. If you're above treeline, your next solid bet is rock. Any good alcoves or overhangs or the like where youre going? I'd still put an eye on the weather report. If it's just afternoon showers it's no big deal. If it's more than that it's a crapshoot.
Not really planning anything soon, but there are a few alpine lakes I would like to photograph at sunrise and would prefer to camp at them rather than start hiking very early. A couple of them are miles from the closest trees, so a quick retreat in bad weather wouldn't be possible.