Boulder Mountain North Slope UT: Donkey Res. to Lost Lake?


New Member
Sep 20, 2018
Hi there, we were trying to figure out a longer backpacking fishing trip up there and currently the guides had us walking out on the road from Donkey Res back to wherever we leave cars. I was looking at the map and it looks like if we could hike up to Lost lake and then follow the trail down, we'd end up in the same place, but not have to walk out on the road. Anyone know if there is a trail from Donkey Res. to Lost lake?

Thanks in advance!


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Don't personally know this area of Boulder Mountain but a word of caution...

My experience in off trail travel on Boulder Mountain top and, especially below the rim was laborious and time-consuming due to downfall. Even the trail crews are having some difficulty keeping trails clear and some locals are trying to assist with that. Not that bush-wacking is impossible - just that it is "challenging" - even with just a day pack.