Book Recommendations

Bumping this thread back to the top, as i've had an itching recently to pick up a good book on Glen Canyon and looking for any recommendations. A bit of history on the area would be awesome but i'd love to see any great old photography of the area if possible. At the moment it's a toss up between these three;

Ghosts of Glen Canyon: History beneath Lake Powell
Glen Canyon: Images of a Lost World
Resurrection: Glen Canyon and a New Vision for the American West

Anyone able to offer any advice or other recommendations? Thanks!
Bumping this thread back to the top, as i've had an itching recently to pick up a good book on Glen Canyon and looking for any recommendations. A bit of history on the area would be awesome but i'd love to see any great old photography of the area if possible. At the moment it's a toss up between these three;

Ghosts of Glen Canyon: History beneath Lake Powell
Glen Canyon: Images of a Lost World
Resurrection: Glen Canyon and a New Vision for the American West

Anyone able to offer any advice or other recommendations? Thanks!

I bought Ghosts of Glen Canyon last year. I LOVE IT. I was initially disappointed that there weren't more color photos, but the rich history and layout of the book more than makes up for it. Highly recommended. I plan to pick up the other two soon. If anyone has any opinions on them, I'd love to hear.
Just finished reading "The Lost World of the Old Ones" by Roberts which is the follow up book and just recently came out. Another good one :)

Just ordered. Perfect timing, in 2 weeks I'll be back in the canyons.
Just ordered. Perfect timing, in 2 weeks I'll be back in the canyons.
Same here, leaving the 25th. I didn't even know Roberts was coming out with a follow up, I really enjoyed "In Search of the Old Ones" and "Sandstone Spires". I just finished rereading "Wet Desert" and read "Emerald Mile" for the first time (liked the story of the speed record and the backstory of the dory Litton, Grua, etc., but some of the history was repetetive), now working on "Finding Everett Ruess" again.
Considering I've hiked on, nearby, or across the Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail many times and at many different locations, I made it a point to brush up on the history of my two favorite adventurers. I was able to find this highly entertaining and meticulously researched read of the greatest "backpacking" trip ever! The book provides a fast paced narrative that interweaves the fascinating biography of Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson's obsession with exploring the west, and first-hand accounts of the Lewis and Clark expedition. I highly recommend it.
That's an awesome read. My favorite of his is "Citizen Soldiers." My Uncle wrote a book on the slave, York.

Stegner is of course one of our greatest legends.

Thanks to all for pointing me in great directions.

Just finished The Devils Highway.

The author of "Across the Wire" offers brilliant investigative reporting of what went wrong when, in May 2001, a group of 26 men attempted to cross the Mexican border into the desert of southern Arizona. Only 12 men came back out. --Los Angeles Times Book Review.

The Devils Highway tells the history of this stretch of land, the story of these men,
and the story of those who patrol the border, without becoming political in any way, but most
important for this audience, it tells the story of how one becomes lost, the consequences
of being unprepared for your environment and how the desert kills.

3.5 / 5 Stars :twothumbs:

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