Blue John and Horseshoe Canyons

Looks like a wonderful time. Looks like you went down the main fork of BJ's and then did you go up the west fork? Were you camped at the top of the west fork? If your group does much more of this, you will likely find that buying a pair of neoprene "Gold's Gym" shorts will save your pants and your skin. Often found at Walmart for $7-10. Atlas gloves or other grippy garden type gloves with the coating, go for $3-6 and save the hands. At times you can even downclimb better in them that with your own skin. You didn't ask and I hope you won't take offense, but nothing says friendship and I love you as having everyone in some kind of helmet. The level of climbing and exposure you encountered on the BJ day calls for it, in in my not so humble opinion. Also, the desert just doesn't have that much wood laying around and the area is seeing more traffic. Our community encourages folks to bring their own wood for fires in the desert. It is a bit more expensive, but slows the semi barren landscape from being picked clean. Off my high horse and soapbox for now, with apologies and congrats on a fun, fine and safe trip
Thanks for having the courage to educate others and do so in a respectful way. I learned a few things, thanks.
Whenever I'm hiking/camping in that same area I usually stay at the Little Flat Tops and day hike in the Swell or Horseshoe canyon areas. We will usually take enough wood to get a fire started each day and then my kids and I will gather combustibles in the former of cow shit :poop:. It's a renewable resource and there seems to be no shortage of it around. The only down side is it's not the best heat for hot dogs and marshmallows as it leaves them black and covered in soot. If you just looking to sit around the fire and chat there is nothing wrong with a shitty little fire.

We usually don't have a fire, but bring wood when we do. This time it was a last minute decision. The river had washed plenty of dead wood near our campsite, so there was a lot to choose from.

We usually don't have a fire, but bring wood when we do. This time it was a last minute decision. The river had washed plenty of dead wood near our campsite, so there was a lot to choose from.
I hear ya there is no judgment here;). Just thought I would pass on my alternative heat source.
here are a few pictures of our trip into Blue John Canyon:
I did not take many pictures, I was too busy of down climbing or anything else.


on the down climb section








love this part of the canyon


Thanks for having the courage to educate others and do so in a respectful way. I learned a few things, thanks.
Thank you for taking what i have to offer so graciously. Through your interviews, in the video, I grew enough connected with the people to think I had something to offer. I wanted it to be easier and safer for all of you. You created that by making everyone's experience so real to me.