Black Canyon Water Trail


ephemeral excursionist
Jan 17, 2012
Okay I really suck at doing trip reports. Mostly because when I get home from work I refuse to turn a computer on. Forgive any grammatical or spelling errors I typed this on my phone and predictive text always runs a muck with my intelligence because I have fat thumbs.

Clay and Laurel have invited me several times to kayak the Black Canyon Water Trail but it has never worked out until New Years 2018. This was my first kayak experience and of course I am hooked!

I will let my pictures do the story telling. This trip involves soaking in hot springs as you float down the river. We hit 4 I can't remember all of their names but my favorite was the Arizona Hot Spring. That is also where we camped for the night before finishing up the float.

Cedar City stopping to stretch legs and get gas.


Night before in hotel.

On the shuttle to the drop off.

When you put in you have to move fast. They don't want anyone dilly dallying near the base of the dam. It was such a beautiful morning to launch!




Two of Clay's kids these guys are troopers! So impressed with them on any trip we do. Braydan and Konner.

Rest of these pictures are not in order. But you will get the idea of how fun and beautiful this trip is.








This one was taken as we came out of Sauna Cave.


Yours truly


Clay photo bombing my selfie attempt.



Camp at Arizona Beach

And my favorite a slot canyon with warm delightful water! Who knew!!! The blue pool just might exist after all. Somewhere....

Next day we floated to the pick up spot. Winds were perfect as in pretty much non existent even so I was pretty tired of paddling by the end of the second day. But content as can be and can't wait for the next kayak trip.








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Wow, that's looks like a spectacular trip! Looks like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that's looks like a spectacular trip! Looks like you had a blast. Thanks for sharing!
These guys are a blast to adventure with. And I get to see the prettiest places.

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this is on my bucket list for years, hopefully in the next few years
love all the hot springs
Laurel calls her bucket list the abyss list![emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] so very appropriate.

I have decided to believe in reincarnation so I can keep working on mine eternally.

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this is on my bucket list for years, hopefully in the next few years
love all the hot springs
Laurel calls her bucket list the abyss list![emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] so very appropriate.

I have decided to believe in reincarnation so I can keep working on mine eternally.

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Awesome trip! Is that Hoover Dam? If so is the water flat or did you have some rapids to go through?
Awesome trip! Is that Hoover Dam? If so is the water flat or did you have some rapids to go through?
Flat. Very easy first kayak trip. If it is windy it would be a challenging.

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Incredible stretch of river. Thank you for sharing.

Seems pretty warm for January.
Incredible stretch of river. Thank you for sharing.

Seems pretty warm for January.
They do this float almost yearly and plan it either in Jan or Feb. I was worried about being cold and this time of year it is a valid concern so I took my wet suit but it was overkill. We lucked out with the amazing weather not too hot and not too cold.

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Awww hey! I make that Bandit wine. The new packaging with CA landmarks must be working. I saw someone else with it on the trail. :)

Great report! I like seeing the before stuff and the food (mmmm oreos). Looked like great comradery. That beautiful green water is extra cool to see. Thanks for sharing!
Awww hey! I make that Bandit wine. The new packaging with CA landmarks must be working. I saw someone else with it on the trail. :)

Great report! I like seeing the before stuff and the food (mmmm oreos). Looked like great comradery. That beautiful green water is extra cool to see. Thanks for sharing!
I was impressed with that wine. I was trying to remember what I grabbed. Thanks for recognizing your product!

Should be more kayak trip reports from me soon. I found an irresistible deal in Jackson WY last week. Only one of the two kayaks are mine $375 each.


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I was impressed with that wine. I was trying to remember what I grabbed. Thanks for recognizing your product!

Should be more kayak trip reports from me soon. I found an irresistible deal in Jackson WY last week. Only one of the two kayaks are mine $375 each.


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I guess I don't know if that is a good deal or not, but it sounds good! :)
I will be watching for your reports!

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