Biking the White Rim Trail

This looks amazing and a ton of fun!
Do you have a map of your trip?
i'll have to check my GPS files. It's all on the national park map/flyer they give you. It's technically a big loop road, and there's nowhere to get lost. We went clockwise.

Our next video will be the Maze figure 8. Stay tuned for a week or two for that one.
My oldest brother did the White Rim trail back in 1989 or 1990 when they first opened it and back then it was only 50 miles or so.
really? Interesting. They must have dropped down from the plateau above. We did 90 miles, and drove the last 20 miles.
@steve Looks like a great time!

We just did the Little Wild Horse Rd as a practice ride this past weekend.

The thing that was a surprise to me was how sandy the LWH Rd is, which made travel more challenging than
expected. I know the around the Labyrinth area it's really sandy (as seen in your video), other than that
what is the sand like?

Thanks Steve! I'm totally excited now - I'm only 6 weeks away!
There was only sand for about 1/4 mile, the rest was packed dirt. It's an awesome trip, you'll love it. Make sure to check out that slot canyon, it's easy to miss.
My butt hurts just thinking about all those miles in the saddle! Good stuff guys!