Bigfoot sightings in the Uintas Tales of the "unusual" in the woods

I've visited this Basin at least once a year since 2009. I've traveled all of it. Not just the main lakes but bushwhacked the entire west end. Never once in all my years have I seen tracks or scat belonging to a cougar in there. So not buying that as the explanation for Garret Bardsley vanishing the way he did in the location he did. If there was an animal attack where was the blood and scene disturbed by an attack? There was a huge search conducted and all they ever found was his sock in a boulder field a 1/4 of a mile from the last place he was seen. No blood was found on that sock. Cougars don't untie shoes or take off socks.

First, I am not sure why you are so aggressive with me, I am just stating my opinion. It is an interesting subject and I have started to see how humans can come to wildly varying conclusions.

Second, I never see mountain lion scat even in areas where I had seen mountain lions over 20 times in a 2 year span (while running a train). I recreate in the same area when I was off work and never see any sign of mountain lions at all despite knowing they are EXTREMELY common in that location. I also never see blood from animals killing animals just about ever. I come across fur or bones sometimes. I once saw a mountain lion on Timp with a twitching deer in its jaws running across a steep slope and making giant, unbelievable leaps and bounds. We went to try and follow where it went a bit and there was no blood or trace of the lion.

I also spooked a lion on the rails one time and he had the Colorado river on his right and a 40 foot cliff on his left to escape. He chose bounding straight up the 40 foot cliff, he made it about 35 feet, then stalled out and fell back down and then took off behind the train. Even though he did not make it, it was seriously the most impressive display of power from another animal that I will probably ever see in my life. I am so glad that humans are not their favorite food, we would stand no chance!

I think other posters have basically said the same thing I am saying, but much more eloquently. I also believe that falling off a cliff is another strong explanation. There's been a lot of people that were lost for years that end up being located under a cliff, and a lot of times the location was within 1 or 2 miles of the epicenter of the search area.
First, I am not sure why you are so aggressive with me, I am just stating my opinion. It is an interesting subject and I have started to see how humans can come to wildly varying conclusions.

Second, I never see mountain lion scat even in areas where I had seen mountain lions over 20 times in a 2 year span (while running a train). I recreate in the same area when I was off work and never see any sign of mountain lions at all despite knowing they are EXTREMELY common in that location. I also never see blood from animals killing animals just about ever. I come across fur or bones sometimes. I once saw a mountain lion on Timp with a twitching deer in its jaws running across a steep slope and making giant, unbelievable leaps and bounds. We went to try and follow where it went a bit and there was no blood or trace of the lion.

I also spooked a lion on the rails one time and he had the Colorado river on his right and a 40 foot cliff on his left to escape. He chose bounding straight up the 40 foot cliff, he made it about 35 feet, then stalled out and fell back down and then took off behind the train. Even though he did not make it, it was seriously the most impressive display of power from another animal that I will probably ever see in my life. I am so glad that humans are not their favorite food, we would stand no chance!

I think other posters have basically said the same thing I am saying, but much more eloquently. I also believe that falling off a cliff is another strong explanation. There's been a lot of people that were lost for years that end up being located under a cliff, and a lot of times the location was within 1 or 2 miles of the epicenter of the search area.

I have not been aggressive with you. If anything, you have been utterly rude in some aspects throughout this thread when I ask honest questions and make valid points. You also were not very respectful to me when I shared what I have seen and experienced. The owner of this site was there to witness one of those incidents. So let me get this straight- you are saying both of us had simultaneous animal misdentification multiple times in the same evening? Got it. That's your view point. I respectfully disagree. You can choose to interpret things however you would like. I'm not really concerned if you believe me or not. That's perfectly fine. But it is not very nice to just write off a persons experience when you were not there. Then to single me out in a thread and to make accusations of some misconceived foul behavior, when I have only participated in this discussion based on experience and have been respectful the whole time, is also not very nice. I think everyone here will agree I have been respectful and tried to be part of this community in my time here. I will continue that until I no longer choose to be here.

Other than that, I think we will just have to agree to disagree. All the best.
EDIT: Re-opened 4-20-2019.

This thread is getting cut off. It didn't get way out of hand, but it was heading in the wrong direction and has gone pretty far off topic. I deleted a couple of posts and then changed my mind and put them back. I'd just like to emphasize that tone can be a real problem, even if your words might be civil. Keep it friendly or keep it elsewhere.