Big Day - Please participate, esp. Scatman!


Jun 11, 2017
OK, I verified this on several sites. I’m going to collect the links and post them in a minute, but I want to get this out there ASAP, especially for @scatman.

Today’s a big day for SAR groups across the U.S. (read on).

Elon Musk is looking for support for his latest idea - he’s announced that he will donate Starlink access and equipment to all U.S. SAR groups if the American public shows enough support. This also applies to Canada, BTW. (Yes, it sounds a bit narcissistic, but you know how Musk is at marketing things and loves being adored.)

He asks that you go outside today and look to the sky, giving the Vulcan salute for 5 minutes so a Starlink satellite can take photos as it goes over (5 minutes being the rotational distances between the satellites). Each satellite has face-recognition software, as well as geo-location s/w and can count the number of faces it sees, as well as the Vulcan salutes, making it able to discriminate between people just looking up and genuine supporters.

I personally think it’s a great cause and will be out there. Let’s make this happen! (Doubtful the BCP salute would work, but you could do that with the other hand just in case.) Have a friend take your photo and we'll send them to Musk as a thank you. I think Musk would be especially impressed if @scatman were to do this!
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You're not supposed to start sipping the Baileys until we crate the grizzlies. :D

I may be a fool, but I'm no April's Fool. :scatman:
So Scatman….what I’d heard is it’s officially th Scot‘s go wild and kiltless day today..please no pics tho…so go out n surprise th neighbors!
OK, I verified this on several sites. I’m going to collect the links and post them in a minute, but I want to get this out there ASAP, especially for @scatman.

Today’s a big day for SAR groups across the U.S. (read on).

Elon Musk is looking for support for his latest idea - he’s announced that he will donate Starlink access and equipment to all U.S. SAR groups if the American public shows enough support. This also applies to Canada, BTW. (Yes, it sounds a bit narcissistic, but you know how Musk is at marketing things and loves being adored.)

He asks that you go outside today and look to the sky, giving the Vulcan salute for 5 minutes so a Starlink satellite can take photos as it goes over (5 minutes being the rotational distances between the satellites). Each satellite has face-recognition software, as well as geo-location s/w and can count the number of faces it sees, as well as the Vulcan salutes, making it able to discriminate between people just looking up and genuine supporters.

I personally think it’s a great cause and will be out there. Let’s make this happen! (Doubtful the BCP salute would work, but you could do that with the other hand just in case.) Have a friend take your photo and we'll send them to Musk as a thank you. I think Musk would be especially impressed if @scatman were to do this!

Ask and ye shall receive.

I hope this gets me rescued in the future. But @Rockskipper, what if my I'm facedown in the bog? :)

So Scatman….what I’d heard is it’s officially th Scot‘s go wild and kiltless day today..please no pics tho…so go out n surprise th neighbors!

Some shots of my 2 mile walk this morning through the concrete jungle know as The Avenues for Scot's go Wild. The neighbors didn't seem too impressed.

Flamingos didn't seem to mind my kiltlessness
Trees in bloom
Forsythia in bloom. Must be time to fertilize my lawn.
View up B Street
Lawmakers were astounded by my kiltlessness. I understand they are going to present a bill that would set all Utahans free on April 1st. I believe it is called S.B. @The Trout Whisperer 4122
The new trails look like scars in Memory Grove
The Sweet Library
View up I Street
No, I most definitely do not have a clear vision. :scatman: