Best photo sharing site?


Mountain Carver
Feb 19, 2012
I see that some of you use Flickr, some Smugmug, and I have seen a few others in your signature lines. Any particular reason for one or the other? Pros and cons....or are they all about the same?


I like Flickr because you can upload the full res files to have as a backup of your finished photos but easily restrict who does and does not have access to the high res versions.

No experience with Smugmug but the impression I have is that it's more for selling your photos.
I like Flickr for photos from my trips because it's easy to share across multiple sites.

I use 500px for my better photos.
Does anyone know of any place on the interwebs where you can upload a bunch of photos and let people rank them with a star rating? I'm running this photo contest for a calendar at my job and I need something like that so all the execs can decide the winners. I was playing with some wordpress plugins to make it happen but they're all pretty over-complicated for what I need.
Flickr and 500px
Like Randy said, the best stuff goes on 500px and flickr is more of a shoebox.
Just an update on my choice. I have spent more time than I really needed to looking at the subject question, I finally settled on Smugmug. I went with them over flickr because Smugmug will host my videos too (more than 1 minute or whatever the Flickr limit is). I currently have a Vimeo account and it seems that smugmug will do the same as vimeo but with the photo site also. l let you know if I run into any problems, but so far so good.
Flickr and 500px
Like Randy said, the best stuff goes on 500px and flickr is more of a shoebox.

Is 500px for more for selling photos or displaying them? I don't know much about it, found it on an Internet search and it didn't seem that friendly compared to flickr.

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