Best Book for Hiking in the Uintas?


Desert Rat-Weekend Warrior
Jun 7, 2012
I've hiked King's peak 3 times, but sadly (and embarrassingly) that is all I've experienced of the Uintas. With the summer off, I'm looking forward to a few trips up in the hills.

Is there a book like Kesley's for this area?
And better yet, the BCP trip reports. There must by x20 compared to the Trail Guides.
Didn't Nicholas even publish a greatest hits here somewhere? I know he has an impressive map with all of his campspots marked. Link in, Nick?
Drums please..... Introducing 'Nick's Guide to the Uintas'!

Well done pal. Another message is that you really can't go wrong. Pick a trail, any trail and you are going to enjoy. This is all, well mostly, prime wilderness that we can all experience and strive to protect. Too many trails and thus hard to pick? That is a "high class" problem easily rectified by ticking them all off. Peak Centric? Fish Centric? Solitude Centric? Mosquito Centric? There is all that. Specific questions of trail type to the community are the most effective. Gotta go find Nick's camp spot map....
Well done pal. Another message is that you really can't go wrong.

x2 - if anything, I'd start with the less dramatic stuff and work towards it. The real beauty of the Uintas is in the details and the pure wilderness of the place, IMO. If you're just rushing through looking for iconic scenes, you might miss it.
Another observation from a 30 year Uinta explorer. This place (BCP) has turned into a treasure trove of Uinta trips/lore/knowledge. There are enough Uinta wilderness travelers and lovers here that just reading through the reports and guides with a map in front of you will give you 10 places this summer you want to walk. The ringleader of this effort is our fearless leader the overseeing Admin, Nick. Someday we hope to even build a full-on Uintas-based community.

Try this simple search here to get you started.
and all the complete trail guides here.

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