Bear bagging above treeline


Nov 23, 2015
Y'all have convinced me that I should go to the Beartooths, above treeline (it wasn't hard). I have an Ursack. I also have a Garcia Canister. I'd rather not take the canister, as it weighs so much, and is hard to wrangle into the one pack I have in which it fits (Lowe Contour III, vs Granite Gear Vapor Trail or Granite Gear Nimbus). Is there a way to attach a Ursack to rocks, or otherwise use it instead of the canister? Thanks. Pringles
Been hanging my food bags while above treeline for years. marmots, and in the beartooths, goats are usually more of a worry than bears. I have been carrying ursacks as added protection the past couple years. it is sometimes a bit tough to find a good rock or cliff but usually something can be found.
it depends what time of year you go. If you go later int he season, you stand a better chance of finding bears above treeline - looking for army cutworms. During prime season, I probably wouldn't worry too much about bears up that high. I used an Ursack. YMMV.
Been hanging my food bags while above treeline for years. marmots, and in the beartooths, goats are usually more of a worry than bears. I have been carrying ursacks as added protection the past couple years. it is sometimes a bit tough to find a good rock or cliff but usually something can be found.

Yep, usually no shortage of 15' high cliffs/boulders to rig off of. In 50 something years now, I've never had a problem there just hanging the food bag.
Hanging...I use opsak as well, but some dont like them.
OK. I'm not used to thinking of haninging food from cliffs. I just need a new mindset. Thank you.