Beach Backpacking and Creek Bed Sleeping


Because I am able.
Dec 31, 2017
Imma try to make this quick and just upload photos, because I am on my lunch break (most of the photos are too large, so just going to upload my Instagram files haha, I am being lazy). I have been meaning to upload this for a couple weeks and just been busy!

Prairie Creek Redwoods SP was the planned destination for Labor Day Weekend. I figured being by the beach would allow some relief from all the smoke. It was an anxiety filled rollercoaster attempting to get permits, but I snagged some! They had recently switched to online only applications, which was completely new to them and it was apparent haha.

I was really determined to set myself up for success this trip, and so I decided to camp the 1st day and then get some good rest after the long drive. What is normally a 6.5 hour drive ended up being a little over 8 hours, with stops and road construction.

Had 4 of this situation happen. I feel like I can never go on a trip without this occurring at least once. It is like a fun tradition now!


Stopped to get some chowder before camp.


First night getting to use my Tarptent! Gosh I am slow at pitching it haha


I woke up early the next day to go find some tide pools and take photos of sea critters! Unfortunately, the road was closed, but I found this channel where there were dozens of fishing humans! Annnnnnd so many seals. Even with seals everywhere and popping up out of the water, I couldn't manage to get very good shots. I think I have said it before, but will say it again, "Wildlife photography is hard!" I have so much respect for people patient enough to sit and wait or are able to predict animal movements!

The guy in the dark hat caught this fish! It was exciting!


Not sure where he is taking it, but he looked like a bada**.


I didn't realize they branded seals!


Me being bummed about how hard it is to take photos of seals. Haha!



This lovely lady just kept following me around, maybe it was the color of my outfit. Everyone else was wearing muted colors.



On my way out, I heard a loud ruckus! Loud splashing and seagulls going berserk. I started to jog along the beach, shrubs were blocking my view "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, a seal killed a seagull! Do seals kill seagulls?! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

The seal proceeded to surface several times and thrash his head about. It took me awhile to realize it was a fish that it had killed haha.


Fish booty!


I drove back to my campground and broke camp. I started my short 4.2 mile hike to Gold Bluffs beach about 11:00 and made it to camp just before 13:00.

The hike to the beach was pretty much these ferns the entire way down.


The clouds finally cleared when I made it to camp. The backcountry area has room for 8 other tents, luckily only two other girls showed up a few hours later. For some reason they camped right next to me, but oh well. Was still happy to be out there.


Was a little worried about pitching in the sand, but was able to find rocks.


Had to go to 4 different gas stations to find salt and vinegar chips! Shortage on this too...?? And yes, I am trying to look like the human on the bag.


I found flowers on the beach!!

Coastal Sand Verbena


European Searocket



Eh, I can't take sunset shots. But there was one.


I decided to get into bed early and make sure that I got enough rest to get up at 05:00. I wanted to hike to Fern Canyon and explore before the crowd. I poked my head out because the stars were unbelievably clear and bright! Lo and behold, the Milky Way! I have never seen it in person before! I went back and forth in my head about trying to capture it. I have never tried astrophotography before. I wasted precious minutes and then decided to just try!

I didn't get out of my tent and threw my tiny tripod in the sand to make an attempt. I could definitely tell my tripod was moving in the sand, which ended up being evident, but I figured I would go ahead and share since it was so memorable and exciting for me. I couldn't believe how quickly it was visible and then gone! Maybe a 30 minute window from when the sun went down and the moon started to shine brightly! I felt so thrilled and lucky to see it.



Managed to get Fern Canyon all to myself. I didn't explore the whole thing, I got the point, water and ferns.



I was in a hurry to leave because the rangers had warned me there would be a lot of people coming in as I was going out. They were concerned about how narrow the path is and maintaining social distance. Despite my speed, I ended up stepping aside for 82 people on 7 miles back out. This seemed significant since I didn't start to see people till 9:00 and I finished by 10:30.

These knobby things were everywhere and fun to hike around.


The bridges on trail were nice.


Got to my car, (yay! Not broken into) and headed to my next TH. Next destination was Redwood Creek.

The TH was only a few miles away from where I had been, but the humidity and heat increased significantly. Right before I reached camp, I realized I was very irrationally angry, and I also realized I had only drank half a liter of water for my 11 mile day, which might be the cause.


You are actually supposed to camp on the creek bed in this area. I ended up camping right here, under a nice shade tree. It was the first time I camped so close to water! I nursed a headache for the rest of the day and just lazed about enjoying the quiet.



Anyone like to ensure their tent is tidy at ALL times?


A Banana Slug Eyeball.


Some Ghibli guys from the trip.

Ghibli collage.png

Laughed because I accidentally coordinated my buff and face mask. I like sushi...


Unbeknownst to me, this guy ended up sheltering under my tent with me during the night. Luckily, he was a quiet little home invader.

Northern Red Legged Frog






I hiked out about noon. Again, my car wasn't broken into!

The end.
Magnificent shots @Miya! I find myself enjoying the black and white shot of the fisherman. The seal rocks too!
Magnificent shots @Miya! I find myself enjoying the black and white shot of the fisherman. The seal rocks too!

Thank you! That is one of my favorites too. I am thinking of hanging that stranger on my wall haha
Wow! You never disappoint me with your wonderful shots!
That's some pretty good wildlife photography from somebody who says they're not good at it. Thanks for sharing the report.
Awesome photos @Miya ! And just magical to watch the milky way on Gold Bluff Beach, wow. That beach is beautiful and the trail is our favorite Redwood loop. We have never seen so many people on the trail, but it seems to be the theme of 2020.
Great TR!
Thanks for sharing. You do a very nice job of capturing images. One of the things I miss about California is the ocean.
That's some pretty good wildlife photography from somebody who says they're not good at it. Thanks for sharing the report.

Thank you! I think I compare everything to like Paul Nicklin or other famous wildlife photographers haha

Awesome photos @Miya ! And just magical to watch the milky way on Gold Bluff Beach, wow. That beach is beautiful and the trail is our favorite Redwood loop. We have never seen so many people on the trail, but it seems to be the theme of 2020.
Great TR!

Yeah it ended up being such a happy surprise! Especially since this will be one of my last backpacking trips, if not the last one, until my thru hike!
I hung out with the rangers when I got back to the TH and they were very shocked how many I had seen in such a short period of time. But yeah, this year has definitely brought about a lot of new hikers.
Thanks for sharing. You do a very nice job of capturing images. One of the things I miss about California is the ocean.
Awww well hopefully you can come back soon for a visit! I have never been a fan of the ocean until I started hiking a couple years ago. Beach hiking, with cooler temps and constant breeze! Heck yes!
Great report. I have always wanted to camp on the ocean.
I like all of your shots, but your Banana Slug Eyeball stands out for me.
Great report. I have always wanted to camp on the ocean.
I like all of your shots, but your Banana Slug Eyeball stands out for me.

Well California definitely has some nice spots for beach camping, they just tend to be far and few between and sooooooo hard to get reservations! Haha but of course, if you are willing to backpack in, you have a better shot.

Haha neat! That photo happened on accident because I have really been struggling with manual focus, but it came out really fun!
great trip makes me homesick to Hawai'i. We have several beach backpacking trips you can do there.
I can't wait to get the green light to go on hikes and backpacks again.
I gambled a bit and got permits for mid-November.
Until then I enjoy your trip reports
great trip makes me homesick to Hawai'i. We have several beach backpacking trips you can do there.
I can't wait to get the green light to go on hikes and backpacks again.
I gambled a bit and got permits for mid-November.
Until then I enjoy your trip reports
Oh man, backpacking in Hawaii?! I can’t even imagine what an experience that would be! Glad I can provide some visual backpacking relief haha
Great TR, Miya, and great pics! Love the seal looking at the camera, and the banana slug eye is awesome!