Be careful with that bearspray

It's still rare blackie attacks a human...

Maybe Pitkin Co and Aspen area need to clean up their act
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Maroon Bells has been in the back of my brain since forever.
Apparently I waited too long. Perhaps I should follow @Joey's lead and visit in early October.
I guess a can of bear spray is in my future.

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That jiu jitsu thing has one fatal flaw - bears don't actually have short arms, they have front legs. But I'm going to print it out and keep it in my pocket in case I ever meet up with a T-Rex, for sure.
I have had good results putting my flashlight beam right on both grizzlies and blackies. I've had a grizzly stalk me hiking but keep his distance with my headlamp on before dawn. Now any certain bear could react differently, but like with my airhorn I prefer empirical data over armchair speculation.

Every large omnivore or carnivore has the capacity to kill us. I admit that blackies, lions, and wolves don't get my hackles up as much as a grizzly but its obviously important to give them all respect. Remember that on any hike wheter we worry about other humans or apex predators far and away the greatest danger of our hike is driving to the trailhead.
I can't imagine being stalked by anything, yet alone a grizz. Actually, I did have a scorpion stalk me once near Moab - broad daylight, fearless little bugger - I got worried it might be rabid and knocked it off a small cliff.

I can't imagine how it would feel to be stalked by a large predator.
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