Bag Night Challenge 2016


I walk
Jun 25, 2012
Here is how it came out. Go to the end to see the archive and link to the 2017 challenge.
2016 Bag Night Challenge
@Selway - 82
@Artemus - 59
@Nick - 55
@IntrepidXJ - 35
@LarryBoy - 34
@Blake Merrell - 31
@balzaccom - 25
@Scott Chandler - 24
@Miss Buffalo - 23
@Dr Nebz - 22
@danger02ward - 20
@Michael - 20
@WasatchWill - 20
@blueeyes - 13
@Venchka - 13
@Jackson - 12
@piper01 -11
@Opi 10
@Udink - 9
@pstm13 - 8
@Parma - 6

Post your 2016 Bag Nights here! Don't forget to post a pic!

There are no official rules, but a bag night here is typically defined by a night out camping in some form. It doesn't matter if you sleep on a tarp, in a tent, or in the back of your car. It is more of an attitude thing. If you are outside to enjoy nature, if it's camping, it's a Bag Night.

Previous BCP Bag Night Challenges Top 3 Finishers:

2015 Bag Night Challenge
#1 @Bob - 111
#2 @NateGeesaman - 76
#3 @slc_dan - 63

2014 Bag Night Challenge
#1 @Bob Wire 70
#2 @DAA 65
#3 @Bob 57

2013 Bag Night Challenge
#1 @Miss Buffalo 55 Nights
#2 @DAA 54 Nights
#3 @Nick 50 Nights

2012 Bag Night Challenge
#1 @DAA 59 Nights
#2 @Nick 54 Nights
#3 @langutah 45 Nights
Last edited:
finally got my first camp nights in. A bit chilly with 11F in the morning, but fun like every year

Total: 2 nights

01/15 -01/17 : Valley of the Gods, Bluff area with @steve , @jentzschman , @Tess , @WasatchWill |2 nights|


Jan 16-17 - Sipsey Creek - One Night

It was nice to get out. Based on the evidence in the trees, the river right behind the tent was up about 35 feet during the Christmas Day flooding that pummeled the south-east...leaving this campsite under about 8-10 feet of water. Hard to imagine.

Do mine count in Island Park ....... we are still in sleeping bags on an air mattress..... portable electric heat, no water, a coleman stove and a detached outhouse? The roof is it's like a big camping trailer, just no wheels????? Heck a camping trailer probably has more amenities right now.
Do mine count in Island Park ....... we are still in sleeping bags on an air mattress..... portable electric heat, no water, a coleman stove and a detached outhouse? The roof is it's like a big camping trailer, just no wheels????? Heck a camping trailer probably has more amenities right now.
