Backpacking Wyoming's Wind River Range, August 2018


May 25, 2018
fter a very successful backpacking trip to the southern half of the Wind River Range in 2017 with a couple of members from (trip report for that trip can be found here) I wanted to do another trip in the northern half of the range to see Titcomb Basin and Green River (Squaretop Mtn). This time one of the original guys was not able to make it but Jerry made a last minute decision to join me, along with Colby (also from WhiteBlaze) and a member of HammockForums.

It was another absolutely amazing trip and now that all three parts are up I am posting it here:


DSC01151 by Dune Elliot, on Flickr

Day 1
We started pretty slow this morning as we all stayed up too late and enjoyed a few beers but we did manage to make it out of Elk Hart Park by 9:30.
From left to right: Jerry, me, Colby and Dave

For 3 miles the trail wound down through the pines with some great views to the north. I lead for a while as we climbed down into the valley. In planning this route I knew we had a decent climb ahead but apparently I had missed the steep descent beforehand and by the time we reached the lake and then the creek after a few miles my legs were like jelly and were visibly shaking with the exertion. On the way down we passed a couple from Rochester NY coming up which was crazy as Jerry lives about hour from there.

We grabbed a bite to eat Upper Long Lake and took some pictures before crossing a nice bridge over Pine Creek. The sign mentioned the trail was technically abandoned, was not suitable for pack stock and was not maintained. A lot of blow down trees confirmed this.

Part 1 continues here: https://nomadicpawprints.wordpress.c...t-2018-part-1/

Part 2: https://nomadicpawprints.wordpress.c...t-2018-part-2/

Part 3: https://nomadicpawprints.wordpress.c...t-2018-part-3/
The sign mentioned the trail was technically abandoned, was not suitable for pack stock and was not maintained. A lot of blow down trees confirmed this.

Oh noooo! @Capsnack and I used that trail to hike back to Elkhart park in early July. It wasn't particularly fun with a storm rolling through. Were there any signs of recent trail work?
Oh noooo! @Capsnack and I used that trail to hike back to Elkhart park in early July. It wasn't particularly fun with a storm rolling through. Were there any signs of recent trail work?

No, it's actually an abandoned trail. Forest signs mention that they are no longer maintaining it. There will be no work done on it.
No, it's actually an abandoned trail. Forest signs mention that they are no longer maintaining it. There will be no work done on it.

We saw that sign. I was curious since it looked like some logs had recently been cut and moved out of the way when we went trough.