Backpacking Montana, Swan Range- Pyramid lake


Onward and upward
Aug 20, 2016
Hey all,

I don't know about each of your particular neck of the woods, but western Montana's winter was "effective." 120+% snow packs, mild spring, has led to still copious amounts of snow delaying the backpacking season to get to upper elevations. So this past weekend, the weather looked promising, a projected 0% chance of rain, so my buddy and I decided to spend our first night in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. We opted for the Pyramid Pass trail, with closest proximity to our hometown of Missoula, MT. Was a fairly easy 5.2 miles to the lake, had intentions of bagging Pyramid Peak, but the amount of snow and lack of crampons means it will have to happen another time. Made a short video for you all to enjoy:

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How was that fishing?
Wonderful! Looks absolutely beautiful. I love the scenes with the rain and fog. I planned a trip in the Swan Range for last summer, but it never came to fruition, unfortunately. Thanks for sharing this part of your neck of the woods!
Pretty sweet. I could use a misty morning at altitude like that.