Backpacking Checklist

Nick, thanks for uploading a backpacking list. Every time I go I always end up writing a list. This will be a good template to start with.
Awesome! I was about to ask if anyone had a backpacking list and then decided to search and found this thread. Great, thanks!
Great list. Very useful.
You're at 33lbs with camera? and water and tripod? That's great.
Here's what i got for a desert trip:

Arcteryx Naos 55 pack (5 lbs)
1 man Garuda SW tent (3.5?) I bring it 50% of the time
Western Moutaineering Mitylite 40 deg. (God knows what it weighs, but I love almost as much as my wife)
Other basics: filter, stove, first aid, jacket, ak-47 (for the cows), crazy creek, tarp, pad etc
I am at 26lbs with 1/2 gallon of water
My 1dsII, 17-40l, Zeiss 35-70, Zeiss 80-200, Feisol tripod w/Bogen head = 15lbs
The lesson?

Micro 4/3's, hopefully soon. I am not getting any younger, or wealthier.

BTW, I have been below 30 degrees in my MityLite, inside a tent. Amazing bag.
My 2 day trip w/my Clik Elite hiker was around 30 lbs with no tent, that is a guess though.
Pretty sure I'm lighter than 33 on most trips. That was a 4-day and I was packing most of a 3-man tent shared with a friend, a full liter of whiskey, water, etc.. I've also lightened up in a few other aspects. I'm about to load an even smaller pack (36 liters) for a 7-day hike that I'm starting out on this Saturday. I'm going to make a point to post exactly what I put in it and how much it weighs. We'll see if I'm really doing better because I'm really hoping to be at or below 35lbs for the full 7 days in alpine conditions. Guess we'll find out here in a day or two though.

P.S. Thanks for packing the AK, someone needs to!
Isn't half the fun of backpacking getting out there and realizing you forgot something important :twothumbs:

Yeah, Great Fun! Last trip, my magic wand water purifier. This trip, my single malt Scotch. Still trying to decide which was the bigger faux pas.
Here's a JPEG of my list so you don't have to download the PDF or .doc if you don't want to.

View attachment 14
Hi Guys,

Great posts, I really enjoy reading the posts and love the photography.

As for gear I will add my 2 cents. If my trip is an over nigher I have a very light weight and compact 2600 mah battery backup for my phone. More people or a longer stay I bump up to a 10K Mah battery backup, or my solar panel (5w or 14w). I find that Goal Zero makes a great USB LED light,and there speakers last forever if you don't mind lugging it around.

For a Camera I ditched my Nikon SLR and went with a Sony Nex 5N. Very light, cheap and powerful. With a cheap adapter I can use any brands lenses (I like old Pentax Tak lenses) and I save a ton of space and weight. I will never go back to an SLR as its a pain. Should be coming out with a full frame one very soon!

This will be my first year camping with a Hammock but I think it will really work well in the Uintas. Tested it out in the winter at 25 Degrees and I was roasting in it. Clark Flex 180 with an Under quilt and Nemo 25 Degree Bag Strato loft (very comfy)

One other thing I really like is the Android App " back country Navigator Pro" I still have a map, but if you download the maps ahead of time you don't need a GPS and it works very well. Lots of maps to choose from also. SPOT is my back up.

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