Back-up ideas south of Jasper

Chuck the Mauler

Formally known as "kcwins"
Aug 20, 2014
I have a 5 day trip planned in Banff and Jasper the beginning of August. I'm looking for ideas on a back-up plan. The reason being, Jasper is under an evacuation order due to fires and I'm not sure how this will play out 2 weeks down the road.

Where have you backpacked for 5-6 days in the area south of Jasper? Our flights take us in to Calgary if that helps.

Thank You.
Calgary local here, with a few ideas, but with the disclaimer that I haven't really backpacked for a long time, and have only visited the areas mentioned below on day trips. I'm thinking that permits may well be a problem this late in the game. I'd ask backpacking friends to see if they have any ideas, but am heading out in a couple of hours for 4 days of very limited cell coverage.

Haven't been up there but did some research on the area. Might want to check White Goat Wilderness. They may allow random camping too.
Plus 1 to the Whitegoat. Never been but I've heard good things. Likely no permits required.
I would seriously reconsider coming to anywhere in Canada this summer.....I live in Vancouver, BC and so far we have been lucky to not be on fire or covered in wildfire smoke. Pretty well all of Canada is tinder dry and we have over 400 wildfires right now in BC...Alberta is on fire and there are huge fires in the Yukon, NWT and Nunavut---Places that used to never have huge wildfires. Such a sad and scary time we live in!
Classic structures are now fully on fire as the fires have reached the townsite of Jasper!! :(:(:(:(
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Lots of news now about Jasper burning. I was there a few years ago and really liked it. So beautiful and more relaxed than Banff. So very sad.
Smoke here in the GYE is probably just as bad..... See my yesterday's smoke map
Why did they wait so long to dispatch additional resources? I get the ‘these areas are too remote’ for a lot of it, but I saw Trudeau announce only last night they were sending federal resources to help.
Better leave completely.... Burned about 50% of Jasper.
Why did they wait so long to dispatch additional resources? I get the ‘these areas are too remote’ for a lot of it, but I saw Trudeau announce only last night they were sending federal resources to help.
Intensity is to much and crews cannot get close..... The way they are burning these will be hard to stop
Why did they wait so long to dispatch additional resources? I get the ‘these areas are too remote’ for a lot of it, but I saw Trudeau announce only last night they were sending federal resources to help.
The fire moved 5KMs in 30 minutes with flames reaching 100 meters in height.....There is no stopping the insane fires that are raging all over Canada :(