Assateague Island National Park

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As a California boy, it's hard to imagine breaking tent stakes in sand. Cool report.

Yeah I didn't anticipate the hard sand either but it made the hiking a lot easier. I brought 12" plastic Y stakes because they were the longest/widest I had but about an inch under the surface the sand was frozen solid. My guess is the surface was softer from being in direct sun. Luckily I had some metal shepherd hooks in my car as well which worked a little better but a few got mangled beyond repair.

Dang I miss Yuengling.

Are you from across the pond? Cause otherwise it's not that hard to find.
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Beautiful shots and report. Snow on the beach. Very cool.
My wife and I used to camp and back pack along the BIg Sur coast, so this brings back good memories.
Thanks for posting.
I've camped here in the summer in mid-July. It's not at all unusual for the horses or deer to pay a visit to your campsite to look for food. There used to be a horse there that would just block the road and not budge until he was fed. We had to call the Park Rangers twice so we could get by on the road to our site. The State Park is crazy busy on the summer and the National Park is as well near the visitors center. I would always try to get a site further south on the island and the beach would be almost empty (if you're not camping you can't drive your car down and have to park in the main lot). I've never been in the winter but would love to go one year, I just can't convince anyone else to brave the cold with me!
That horse looks like it's on Skid Row... Great trip report and great pictures...
Nice! I've spent a night or two on the Outer Banks down here in North Carolina. Camping on the beach is an entirely different animal compared with a trail in the woods. One must have a real affection for SAND!!! Very nice photos and video. Our wild horses don't look nearly as healthy and fat as those. Perhaps a better diet up there. Good job. You've inspired me to make another trip to the dunes.
Looks beautiful! Loved the Sebastian Bach comparison. I can see how you would get those two confused.

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