Anyone own a GoPro?


Jan 18, 2012
I've been considering getting one. I'd love to be able to record my outings, plus it takes a pretty nice picture from what I hear.

As Summit told me the other day, I don't want to be come "that guy" that posts everything they do with the GoPro, but I still like the idea of being able to show stuff I do to people that are interested in it.

Any likes/dislikes about it from anyone here? Do you use it as much as you thought you would? Any favorite types of add-ons or mountain hardware you like?
lol, don't take it all so seriously. If you want one go get it.

Yesterday I was referring to the questions I ask myself every time I want to pick one up......

What will I shoot?
Do I do anything cool worth shooting?
I could use it hiking I guess?

Then I chicken out and never buy one....
I got the Hero2 for Christmas and really like it. I got the Outdoor Kit. It came with a few flat surface mounts, a few curved surface mounts, a vented helmet mount, and a head mount which is similar to a head lamp setup. I use the head mount the most. I use it all the time and yes it does produce good pictures. I was pretty surprised by the quality of the still images and that's coming from someone that has shot DSLRs for years. Granted you don't get the DOF like you do when you use a DSLR but the lens on the Hero2 is has a 2.8 aperture. The only downfall that it has in my opinion is that the pictures and video are really noisey in low light. I shot some video with it riding on a snowmobile at dawn recently and the it was really noisey. I use this camera all the time because it is so small and easy to use, plus I don't have to worry about getting it wet or dirty as long as it's in the waterproof case. I have bought the suction cup mount for it but have not had a chance to use it yet. It's supposed to be able to withstand speed in excess of 125mph so I'm gonna try it on my Jeep on my next trip. I also bought the tripod mount that allows you to attach the camera to any tripod with a screw mount. It has a timelapse mode built into the camera and you can set the interval time anywhere from .5 sec to 60 seconds. I have use it quite a bit for timelapses lately. I plan on getting either the LCD backpack or the wifi backpack when it comes out. The wifi backpack allows you to view/record live video from your camera to you smartphone plus you can control the camera from you phone as well. Here's a picture straight out of the camera with it. It is resized for flickr so the original is much clearer but you get an idea of the quality of it.

Echo 12-30-11 by Deadeye008, on Flickr
I'm so fragile, I only care about what you think Summit :).
gonna haveta watch this thread.
I to have been thinking about one, but I have sooo many other wants ahead of this one.
Here are a couple timelapses I've shot with it. The bottom timelapse is straight out of the camera. The only thing I did to it was add the panning motion. The top timelapse I altered the images.

The question should be "How many Gopro's should I buy?"
I got my first one in August 2010 for doing the Subway. And it worked very well unless you wanted some good audio out of it. I have made a ton of lame videos with it, but use it for most my trips these days. I have been using it alot for timelapse shots too. I picked up the 960 version last March and for most the stuff I do with it I think I end up using it more then the 1080version. I am however selling my 960 to my brother and going to buy a Gopro2. For doing timelaspe it will be better going to the 11mp vs 5mp. And also shooting the higher FPS will be awesome to make some slowmo videos... I have many different mounts, for putting it anywhere. The fun thing is you can be creavtive and make your own mounts.
I'm mostly with Bill on this one. They look cool, and I can think of several uses, but then I think I really wouldn't use it that much. The long, boring videos of people cruising the blue runs at the resort tend to be pretty lame. But I really liked what wes242 did with his in Coyote Gulch. That was a unique, and very cool usage. So basically I don't know. I do know that there are a lot of other things I want more though!
I splurged. I guess we'll see how much I use it (and no intentions of 10 minute blue-run videos lol). I got the Hero 2 with the standard pack (head strap, helmet strap, and multiple mounts).

I guess if I don't use it enough there's always eBay :).
I splurged. I guess we'll see how much I use it (and no intentions of 10 minute blue-run videos lol). I got the Hero 2 with the standard pack (head strap, helmet strap, and multiple mounts).

I guess if I don't use it enough there's always eBay :).

You'll end up using it quite a bit I bet. My wife bought me mine and I've used it a lot more than I thought I would. It's just so small and convenient.

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The question should be "How many Gopro's should I buy?"
I got my first one in August 2010 for doing the Subway. And it worked very well unless you wanted some good audio out of it. I have made a ton of lame videos with it, but use it for most my trips these days. I have been using it alot for timelapse shots too. I picked up the 960 version last March and for most the stuff I do with it I think I end up using it more then the 1080version. I am however selling my 960 to my brother and going to buy a Gopro2. For doing timelaspe it will be better going to the 11mp vs 5mp. And also shooting the higher FPS will be awesome to make some slowmo videos... I have many different mounts, for putting it anywhere. The fun thing is you can be creavtive and make your own mounts.

So Wes, I've been watching a few of your videos and I love how you put them together. What types of mounts do you use? Are they home made or something you've purchased? I'm most interested in the one that was on your truck (that eventually fell off) and the one that was mounted above you while backpacking. Any others too. Also, how long do you run it for on your trips? Do you just let it record pretty much most of the time you're hiking, or do you find yourself constantly turning it off and on?

Can't wait to get out and use mine.
Here are a couple timelapses I've shot with it. The bottom timelapse is straight out of the camera. The only thing I did to it was add the panning motion. The top timelapse I altered the images.

Love the timelapse stuff Justin. How did you add in the panning motion? Do you have a tripod with some sort of motor?
Love the timelapse stuff Justin. How did you add in the panning motion? Do you have a tripod with some sort of motor?

I'm not sure how Justin did it but you can just do that in software. It depends on the software but I think it's usually referred to as Ken Burns Effect. I've done it in iMovie and Premier. Haven't used anything else though.
One more question for wes242: how did you capture the audio on that Subway trip? I'm assuming you had the full water case on, but maybe I'm assuming too much. I know you can put that other door on the back of it that allows the audio to be captured better; is that what you were using?
One more question for wes242: how did you capture the audio on that Subway trip? I'm assuming you had the full water case on, but maybe I'm assuming too much. I know you can put that other door on the back of it that allows the audio to be captured better; is that what you were using?

The audio I just had to turn up in my video software so you could hear it better. The GoPro will always record sound but with the water housing on it is muffled. They give you a back door that isn't sealed with the camera so audio will sound better, however then the camera isn't water proof.
I made a cheap Panning setup from IKEA... Mount the camera on top of this kitchen timer. 1 hr for 1 turn... $6
It is pretty slick. I drilled a hole in the bottom of it added a nut to it so I can screw a tripod plate to it so I can mount it on a tripod too.
I to made a fishing video like Justin.

That's crafty dude. I'll have to give that a shot. When you have time could you possibly help me with a link to the timer you bought?

Thanks for the tips!