Anyone have experience camping/hiking with young kids?


New Member
Nov 29, 2014
I have a 2 1/2 year old girl and haven't had her out camping with us before. Looking to introduce her this spring and was just wondering if anyone had any similar experiences? She's swam in the lake and walked trails but never a full camping experience yet. Any suggestions on what to make sure to bring or expect? Thanks!

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Treats, toys and a small cheap camera. did I mention treats!
Treats, toys and a small cheap camera. did I mention treats!
I did get her a little lightweight backpack with the idea of her feeling like she's one of us (to match our bags). Probably a good idea to just stuff hers full of treats! :). Thanks for the reply.

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Treats, toys and a small cheap camera. did I mention treats!
All that and plenty of patience for mom and dad.

My kids enjoyed helping cook, setup, decide on camp spot. Made them feel like just one of the group. Plus when the get 14 like my oldest now, they can make and brig you a cup of coffee.
All my kids required at that age was a stick and handful of rocks. We really tried to leave all the toys home. We wanted them to learn to find joy in nature. I know that this may sound a little corny. With the exception of a favorite stuffed animal or the like. If you keep them loaded up with snacks you could potentially stay camping forever.
Disposable camera, a few sheets of paper and some crayons (in case it rains and you get stuck in the tent for a few hours). A small backpack would be a good idea packed with her own light and a few band aids (aka her own first aid kit, I know my girls loved having their own band aids to carry around at that age). Other than that let her enjoy being outside and exploring (be sure pack something for poison ivy/oak, you never kniw what kids will get into). One idea you could try is to do a scavenger hunt with her. Find some pictures of things that are in the area you will be camping and help her look for them. Because of her age keep it very basic and simple but she will learn a lot and will have fun while doing it.
Editing to add - A cheap pair of binoculars would also be great for the little one.
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