Anybody tried skydiving?

I jumped when I was 18, (a VERY long time ago) because I thought it would get me over my fear of heights. SILLY! Anyway, this was before the buddy jump system. I remember holding onto the strut while standing on the plane tire with my right leg floating in the air, thinking I would just forfeit the $100.00 I had just paid for my short morning of training and climb back into the plane. The pilot told me I had to jump because he didn't have the gas to stay up there, so I just let go. I had a one way radio strapped to me with someone giving me instructions on what to do. (One way radio because they didn't want to hear me screaming!)

My dad was a paratrooper in Airborne and he thought I was nuts!

Oh wow. What a way to do it! :eek:
I did a single jump when I was 19, back in 1984. Very similar to JoanieBelle's experience. Static line, solo jump from around 3500 feet. We spent a few hours going over what to do when you jumped: start a count - "one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, check canopy!" At "check" - look up and ensure that the canopy is fully deployed, and if not, jettison and pull the reserve. We also practiced how to land all graceful-like.

Well, when the time came, and I was smacked on the leg to jump, I hesitated a couple of seconds then let go. The "count" just disappeared from my head. "Whoooooaaaa!!!!" was more like what I did. There was just no rational thought at all, initially. After a few seconds, I thought maybe I'd better look up and check the canopy - and all was well. (It was actually very similar to my first practice spin in an airplane - all the training popped out of my head the very first time, but subsequently it all came back.)

We didn't have any radios - just a guy down on the ground with a huge bright orange arrow that he could move around on the ground. I had to look at him and turn in the direction he was pointing. It worked out pretty well, and I landed within a couple of dozen yards of the target. (It was out in farmland, and the next field over had a big pig wallow in it - didn't want to end up there.)

Anyway - all in all, an amazing experience. I've never done it again, but mostly because of expense (at the time) and taking up other hobbies (once I got more disposable income.)

Now bungee jumping - that I've done twice, and I need to get out and do that again!

That's me on the left, using some scary old military surplus parachute, and a very flashy early-80's jump suit. Stylin'!

It's one of the funnest thing you'll do, but be careful or you'll get addicted and it's not cheap. I got into it a couple years ago and ended up logging almost 100 jumps in 2 years. My time and money priorites changed so I haven't jumped in a few years, but once my kids are older I'll jump back into it ;).

When I was visiting my inlaws in KY I stopped by a dropzone right on the border of OH, WV and KY. I ended up jumping out of the plane in KY and then flew across the river and landed in Ohio. It was also at that dz that the pilot had me get out and hold on to the wing strut while he gunned the engine to see how long I could hold on (about .8 seconds).

Great, now I want to go jump again!
Skydiving is the best! I've gone twice so far and if I had the money I'd be jumping every week. So addictive, as uintafly said. I was super stoked to jump, and didn't have a moment of hesitation at the door when it was time. That did surprise me, as i figured biology would kick in and tell me it was a bad idea. :D I know this is a super old thread, but I'm hoping you jumped and loved it!

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