Another water post(Bowdie/Midway)


Feb 23, 2017
Anyone been in the Bowdie/Gypsum/Fable region this spring? Heading that way out of Dark Canyon next week and looking for recent water info. I'm aware of the sources from Steven Allen's route info, but just wanted to check on how potholes have been this spring generally.


Fable spring is large I suspect it's still good. Very large pouroff into gypsum. Don't count on gypsum falls. A coupe large pouroffs in bowdie will have water. Last I was in bowdie good stream at junction... But all this was a few years ago.

Usually a large snow drift till mid may coming off long ridge blocking the Alice road if you thinking that way
Thanks Bob this is helpful. Can see some of the pouroffs and such in Bowdie on Google Earth, but this is also a few years ago.

Going in via Sundance.

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Hey @Nethos first post here but I have been scouring the interwebs for some recent info on Dark. Planning to head out that way the following week (going in on the 16th) and will be doing a loop of Lean to and Youngs from the north side of the canyon. Are you planning to post up a trip report afterwards?

@Bob You have me worried about that snow drift now. We made it through last year the week of the 6th but had do run a winch line to get the truck across. Hoping it is not as significant this year. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Hey @Nethos first post here but I have been scouring the interwebs for some recent info on Dark. Planning to head out that way the following week (going in on the 16th) and will be doing a loop of Lean to and Youngs from the north side of the canyon. Are you planning to post up a trip report afterwards?

@Bob You have me worried about that snow drift now. We made it through last year the week of the 6th but had do run a winch line to get the truck across. Hoping it is not as significant this year. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Shovels .....
Hey @Nethos first post here but I have been scouring the interwebs for some recent info on Dark. Planning to head out that way the following week (going in on the 16th) and will be doing a loop of Lean to and Youngs from the north side of the canyon. Are you planning to post up a trip report afterwards?

@Bob You have me worried about that snow drift now. We made it through last year the week of the 6th but had do run a winch line to get the truck across. Hoping it is not as significant this year. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Heading out 4/17 following Steve Allens crawl route so won't be able to provide helpful info until after I'm back.

Maybe see you in Youngs. Blue ULA circuit with neon shock cord. Say hello if you like.


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It will be really hard to find water between Dark and Midway. It's a huge day, and burning time and energy to check out the few green alcoves will take too long.

If Midway dries up, this route will become very uncomfortable.

For the rest basic desert precautions will do: carry a lot and never pass up on a source.
It will be really hard to find water between Dark and Midway. It's a huge day, and burning time and energy to check out the few green alcoves will take too long.

If Midway dries up, this route will become very uncomfortable.

For the rest basic desert precautions will do: carry a lot and never pass up on a source.
Thanks. I was not planning to go out of the way of the route to seek water. What month were you out there, and what was your experience of the water in Midway? I understand this info may be rendered useless by the drought.

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Mid April, 2017. Plenty of water. Can't remember if it was flowing but def in large potholes near the big pour off.