Animal Danger

Bears and mountain lions have been known to walk into Moab through Pack Creek and Mill Creek. Adrien Taylor, retired publisher of the paper there, had a mtn lion kill a bunch of her sheep one year. She lives clear down by the river, so the lion had to come all the way down the riparian corridor through town. I've been up at the Sand Flats more than once and been told by the people who work there that lions had been sighted near Slick Rock Bike Trail. I think if we only knew what critters were watching us...

But most aren't blood-thirsty killers and would just as soon go fishin' as mess with the furless bipedal crazies.
I'm another who is in griz country just about all the time. And the 329PD is exactly what I carry but my wife always has bear spray. The trouble I have with the gun versus bear spray statistics is that all gun encounters are weighed the same, whether it was a 22 or a S&W 500 mag (I have one of those too but it isn't something you want to pack to many miles). Another huge factor in those statistics is the proficiency of the user. If you don't have time to stay proficient with a hand gun by all means leave it home! Black bears? Problem? I've been face to face with at least a half dozen on our own place and have never had to use either spray or a gun.

All that said and as noted in prior posts, you're way more likely to die in a car wreck on the way to the trailhead. But like buying insurance for auto, home, life, I'm not going into griz country without any bear insurance.
How does the 329PD handle for you? Too light vs firepower?

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