Android app for waypoints?

Mike Jones

Feb 19, 2013
Any android app I can load some way points into for key locations when backpacking. I want to be able to turn my phone on and get a heading to a way point.
Backcountry Navigator Pro is awesome. You can even select a huge area and it will download all of the USGS topo maps and cache them even to detailed zoom levels. Highly recommended. lostlandscapes probably has more insight.
Backcountry Navigator Pro is awesome. You can even select a huge area and it will download all of the USGS topo maps and cache them even to detailed zoom levels. Highly recommended. lostlandscapes probably has more insight.

Second the recommendation for BNP. Although you're gonna have to be willing to shell out $10 for the ability to cache and record. Completely worth it, IMO. Just make sure you don't start tracking or leave your GPS on--it'll eat through your phone battery in a heartbeat.

There are a couple of cheaper ones out there. Gaia GPS and Trimble are also high quality apps that won't let you down.
Tried back country navigator and it keeps failing to import my kmz file from google earth....

Export to GPX and upload that way.. much smoother import :)

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