An Epic Week and an Epic Start to 2015!

Tye Dye Twins

Sep 30, 2014
Trevor and I got a chance of a life time this weekend. An all expenses paid, 1st class trip to Jackson Hole WY to ski in an upcoming film for Tribal Snowtools! What a great way to start off the new year! This weekend was an adventure from the get-go! The powder was perfect, the accomidations were too good for us, and the company was full of great people. Big thanks goes out to Susan Pieper-Bailey for setting up and funding the whole thing! We covered another spot on the Bingo Card of Life.

Day 1
We left SLC late since we decided to buy new tires for the car....and what a great idea! The roads up there suck! On the drive up I convinced the twin to stop for a sunset pic @ Salt Creek Pass.

The 1st class accomidations within walking distance of downtown in Jackson Hole WY was too good for us backpackin type of folks!

And of course we made a stop at the liquor store in WY to grab some "Wyoming delicacies".

We hit the town's night life, and started with the "Silver Dollar Saloon". The moment we walked into the crowded bar 50+ cowboys, all 40 years older than us, stopped what they were doing and gave us a prison stare! So we bailed to the Town Square Tavern, where the scene was more young, the live music kicked ass, ski movies played around us and we found a new favorite drink....Cinnamon Toast Crunch which is Fireball plus horchada!

Day 2
The next morning we drove over to Teton Pass to meet the crew.

We were being filmed, so my twin never really got the camera out during the tour on Teton Pass. However he did sneek a few pics of the me in BLOWER TETON POWDER!

A Rossignal worker heard we were filming, so shit got crazy on Teton Pass. This is a backflip sequence.

And yeah, he LANDED IT!

Conar was with our crew and went big too....with a paddle in his hand I might add. Conar almost reaching the tops of the trees on Teton Pass!

And Conar stuck it! He must have traveled 60 feet, nearly above the trees!

What the crossbone's paddle was born to powder!

Me skiing down Teton Pass with Tribal Snowtools "crossbones" paddle. This picture shows just how much leaning you can accomplish with a paddle.

That night we went to Thai Me Up with Susan for some A+ brews and thai food....and it was by far the best spot in town! Where we parked however, was not. Reds and Blues showed up, and sure enough, we got a $70 ticket (visitor's tax I guess!) Susan paid the tab, and the ticket. That's what I call a STAND UP person in my book! THANKS SUSAN!

Day 3
On the last day we did some testimonials @ the house for the film crew. The twin and I were being filmed together, and when asked what our names were my twin said his name was Troy....what a jackass. Sure that one will end up on the bloopper reel! After we said our goodbyes and thank yous, we hit the road before the storm really got going. The roads only got worse on the way out of town.

After 2 hours of driving in white out, snowpacked icey roads we thankfully, @ salt creek pass, got a snowplow in front of us. Thank god we bought new tires!

Trevor, Ron, and I headed out to the WIlson Chutes in Mill Creek Canyon's Wilson Fork. We started before dawn at Bulter Fork.

After a few icy miles the sun came out and conditions improved. Kessler Peak is in the background.

Ron and I summit bound for Wilson Peak

Tomfoolery ensued at Wilson Peak.

Meet the newest member of the group....

I was 1st to drop in.

Trevor the photographer was next, and last but not least was Ron. The next 7 miles of skiing to the car was great!

I prepared my gear in the dark and was ready to roll with the sunrise.

The summit of West Monitor was reached via Willow Fork. My buddy Grady was to meet me there, he was coming from the Canyons Ski Area.

Ready to drop in? I was for an hour till he got there!

I took the opprotunity to take pics of other groups skiing down West Monitor.

We charged the face of West Monitor!

Looking back at our lines just made on the face of West Monitor

Grady bailed down The Canyons Ski Resort while I skinned from the boundry back to Big Cottonwood Canyon to ski Will's Hill of Willow Fork.

Once back at the ridge I was ready for a wind buffed Will's Hill down to the Highway where I hitched back to my car.

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Holy crap! This is the very definition of epic. You know a trip report is good when it includes amazing landscapes, skiing with some special kayak paddle (which I've never heard of), an awkward bar scene, and cameo by the police.
Glad you had a good time. With the best secondary roads in America with all due respect Wyoming's roads don't !@#$. Unfortunately all the folks from the Wasatch Front coming here because "God can't see over the Tetons" really put stress on them. Heeh heeh. Actually we've had a lot of freeze thaw this season so potholes are making an appearance much earlier than they usually do. Sadly with the East side of the Divide now usually colder than here where it was once the coldest valley in the country in given years those potholes could just be part of the new normal.

I am a Silver Dollar regular because it is unequivocally awesome. During the 4-7 Happy Hour and when music is playing there are usually plenty of young people. Remember music always starts there at 7:30 so us geriatrics can get home to bed; actually so the folks in the Wort's [historic hotel that houses the Silver Dollar] rooms near the bar can get to sleep. There are I think probably less than a dozen actual cowboys in Teton County since there aren't many cows in a just a handful of places. Most of the time the Silver Dollar has about a third local people and the rest are visitors so a bunch of those hats you saw were likely on top of Beehivers. Tuesday Bluegrass night does bring out more locals and lots of youngsters dressed like hooligans and hippies like yourself, until the Cowboy starts having serious youngster music the Silver Dollar's Tuesday Bluegrass is the biggest dance night of the week for all ages.

As to the parking ticket what happened? Were you parked overnight? There are signs everywhere about winter months about no parking overnight and no parking signs "from here to corner" for without them larger trucks and the free town bus system would have problems making turns. If they allowed overnight parking in town we'd never get the snow out of here. Unlike most of Wyoming Teton County Law enforcement does not target visitors, a 22 [Teton county] plate will get a ticket if they don't respect the law just as fast as a visitor. We rely on repeat visitors. Unless of course they are ski bums that pick fights at the Tavern.

The Tavern is definitely younger, has been rated the best place in town to get in a fight several times. It is definitely a younger crowd as most places are later in the evening. I really miss it when it was The Rancher, but then I again I miss a lot of what the 70s and earlier 80s were for me. The Cowboy is the bar for youngsters here but town is off in the winter when the focus of our tiny winter economy goes to the Village. In the summer when most of the Valley makes almost all of its money you'll find younger scenes later in almost every bar. Next time you need to go to the Stagecoach in Wilson for Reggae night or something. As much as the Tavern is the place to get laid out if you can't get __id at the Staecoach in the summer you've got problems whatever side of the plate you favor.

The Ranch some of my family owns had a kid work there a couple of summers that's been an editor/photographer for Teton Gravity Research for a few years. You guys are all crazy.

FYI Grand Teton Ale is from Idaho, not Wyoming. Thai Me Up has won some Brew awards and I know lots of folks that favor their brews much over the far more famous Snake River Brewery which here in town is no where near the Snake. Melvin Brewing which makes beer for Thai Me Up is building a brewery down the road in Alpine, good stuff.

If you come up to ski the Grand or the Skillet in the Spring let me know. We'll get you directed to where the youngsters are. Someone like me can help you find some of the best AT skiing you'll ever find. Just ignore my crotchedy old self and have a great winter man.
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If you come up to ski the Grand or the Skillet in the Spring let me know. We'll get you directed to where the youngsters are. Someone like me can help you find some of the best AT skiing you'll ever find. Just ignore my crotchedy old self and have a great winter man.

hey some of that great info for your Idaho friend just this side of the pass!! I'll gladly hit you up for some beta on backcountry "sticking"!!
Looked like fun!!!! My most epic day of skiing ever was out of Jackson. My wife booked me at High Country for a day, a birthday present, and a friend and I got into a very good group guided by another friend from Bridger Bowl (Rand Decker). Made 14 runs if I recall correctly-all in the Hobacks. Geezzz that was a long time ago----------- Not sure where Rand is these days and my friend is long departed.
Glad you had a good time. With the best secondary roads in America with all due respect Wyoming's roads don't !@#$. Unfortunately all the folks from the Wasatch Front coming here because "God can't see over the Tetons" really put stress on them. Heeh heeh. Actually we've had a lot of freeze thaw this season so potholes are making an appearance much earlier than they usually do. Sadly with the East side of the Divide now usually colder than here where it was once the coldest valley in the country in given years those potholes could just be part of the new normal.

I am a Silver Dollar regular because it is unequivocally awesome. During the 4-7 Happy Hour and when music is playing there are usually plenty of young people. Remember music always starts there at 7:30 so us geriatrics can get home to bed; actually so the folks in the Wort's [historic hotel that houses the Silver Dollar] rooms near the bar can get to sleep. There are I think probably less than a dozen actual cowboys in Teton County since there aren't many cows in a just a handful of places. Most of the time the Silver Dollar has about a third local people and the rest are visitors so a bunch of those hats you saw were likely on top of Beehivers. Tuesday Bluegrass night does bring out more locals and lots of youngsters dressed like hooligans and hippies like yourself, until the Cowboy starts having serious youngster music the Silver Dollar's Tuesday Bluegrass is the biggest dance night of the week for all ages.

As to the parking ticket what happened? Were you parked overnight? There are signs everywhere about winter months about no parking overnight and no parking signs "from here to corner" for without them larger trucks and the free town bus system would have problems making turns. If they allowed overnight parking in town we'd never get the snow out of here. Unlike most of Wyoming Teton County Law enforcement does not target visitors, a 22 [Teton county] plate will get a ticket if they don't respect the law just as fast as a visitor. We rely on repeat visitors. Unless of course they are ski bums that pick fights at the Tavern.

The Tavern is definitely younger, has been rated the best place in town to get in a fight several times. It is definitely a younger crowd as most places are later in the evening. I really miss it when it was The Rancher, but then I again I miss a lot of what the 70s and earlier 80s were for me. The Cowboy is the bar for youngsters here but town is off in the winter when the focus of our tiny winter economy goes to the Village. In the summer when most of the Valley makes almost all of its money you'll find younger scenes later in almost every bar. Next time you need to go to the Stagecoach in Wilson for Reggae night or something. As much as the Tavern is the place to get laid out if you can't get __id at the Staecoach in the summer you've got problems whatever side of the plate you favor.

FYI Grand Teton Ale is from Idaho, not Wyoming. Thai Me Up has won some Brew awards and I know lots of folks that favor their brews much over the far more famous Snake River Brewery which here in town is no where near the Snake. Melvin Brewing which makes beer for Thai Me Up is building a brewery down the road in Alpine, good stuff.

If you come up to ski the Grand or the Skillet in the Spring let me know. We'll get you directed to where the youngsters are. Someone like me can help you find some of the best AT skiing you'll ever find. Just ignore my crotchedy old self and have a great winter man.

"God can't see over the tetons" is probably the best joke I have ever hear on BCP...bravo sir that was very clever! My jab at the roads was mostly due to the fact that here in SLC if every street isn't cleared off it's unacceptable and actually headline news worthy stuff. Luckily I spent the $ to get new tires for that one or I would have had no business being there!

Silver Dollar was recommended by my buddy, and I thought it was a cruel joke to get me beat up, he assured me there was no shannigans about telling me to go there. It even made it on a show called "locals" on PCTV. It must have been the wrong night I guess. As for cowboys, I have to say, if it quacks like a is a duck in my book.

The ticket was for the parking up the street of the fire station. The signs here in SLC face you when you get out of your car. In Jackson they face like a speed limit sign away from your car at the top of the block, invisible from your car when you park. Now don't get me wrong, I agree that a ticket should be issued to me and everyone else in violation.

When we were eating at Thai me up we didn't even recognize the station across the street until a fire truck came flying out. The cop explained that they were having issues with the cars potentially blocking the driveway exit even though I was way up the street near the corner. He then told me that I was going to be the only car getting a ticket on the entire street as the cars that were actually close to blocking the driveway were the firemans cars. So in summary, yes I do deserve and prefer that I pay the ticket and I sure as hell will pay more attention in the future, but if it were really an issue the fireman wouldn't block themselves in the 1st place.

As for the tavern I think the fact that we are two big guys kept the "ruff and rowdy crowd" away from picking a fight with us that night. The rest of the bars you mentioned were all told to us by Suzan actually, so your are right on the money there. I will have to hit them up next time for sure!

I know we will come back up there again, but most likely it will be next year, as I have so many trips planned already and well....I just skied Jackson so the explorer in me feels its time to see something new! I'll have to hit you up for some beta on the hills when I do return. Thanks again.
I'm going to mention your comment on the way signs face to city council. Sometimes we get a howler around here and signs actually turn too. I appreciate you recognizing "violation" but I'm angry if you made a truly innocent mistake and were the victim of favortism when it comes.

Google "Teton AT." Steve Romeo was pretty amazing, his passing was a huge loss for many in this community. That site has some incredible beta and visuals from the PArk where drops are often 3 times what you found on the Pass with some serious steeps. Skiing the Grand or Skillet are serious goals of incredible skiers from around the world.

Believe it or not I haven't skied in 20 years and truth be told I was never much of skier or rock climber when I was younger, I concentrated on backpacking, some mountaineering, and was a horse packtrip outfitter in high school and college before you were born. I do however sometimes work for one of the awesome outdoor stores here and know folks that do the insane !@#$ in the Park. You skied the resort too? Whatever the case thanks to your outfit for spending money here, always far better than oil and gas wells. When you come back if you feel like earlier, cheaper beers happy hour at the Wort [Silver Dollar] is fun. Tuesday Bluegrass is a blast with a mixed crowd with plenty of youngsters. Also think about Elanor's {lots of local younger folks] and Dornan's in Moose. The Hootenanny at Dornan's on Monday Nights is a blast too.

Thanks again. Keep your stick, or should I say paddle, on the ice man.
I'm going to mention your comment on the way signs face to city council. Sometimes we get a howler around here and signs actually turn too. I appreciate you recognizing "violation" but I'm angry if you made a truly innocent mistake and were the victim of favortism when it comes.

Google "Teton AT." Steve Romeo was pretty amazing, his passing was a huge loss for many in this community. That site has some incredible beta and visuals from the PArk where drops are often 3 times what you found on the Pass with some serious steeps. Skiing the Grand or Skillet are serious goals of incredible skiers from around the world.

Believe it or not I haven't skied in 20 years and truth be told I was never much of skier or rock climber when I was younger, I concentrated on backpacking, some mountaineering, and was a horse packtrip outfitter in high school and college before you were born. I do however sometimes work for one of the awesome outdoor stores here and know folks that do the insane !@#$ in the Park. You skied the resort too? Whatever the case thanks to your outfit for spending money here, always far better than oil and gas wells. When you come back if you feel like earlier, cheaper beers happy hour at the Wort [Silver Dollar] is fun. Tuesday Bluegrass is a blast with a mixed crowd with plenty of youngsters. Also think about Elanor's {lots of local younger folks] and Dornan's in Moose. The Hootenanny at Dornan's on Monday Nights is a blast too.

Thanks again. Keep your stick, or should I say paddle, on the ice man.
Edit: Oh yeah, forgot. Although I haven't had a drop beyond LOTS of beer for 30 years in May the consensus seems to be that Wyoming Whiskey pshucks. Stick with the Crowne. Also I cannot take credit for "God Can't See Over The Tetons." I think that goes back further than my 51 years to when gambling , prostitution, and other stuff was far more prevalent here in the middle of the last century.

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