Acute altitude sickness


Jun 11, 2017
Sorry to post bad news, but this one seems worthy of note, even though there have been previous threads on this, just as a reminder.

Having grown up in W. Colorado and now living at 7,000 feet, this kind of thing doesn't really even cross my radar until something like this happens. I do know the best cure is to get to a lower altitude, but if you're as sick as she seemed to be, would that even be possible? It seems it would be at the initial stages if one were aware of what was going on, but lots of people would just think it was the flu or something. Not ever having had altitude sickness, I can only guess that it's no fun. I did have an old-time climber tell me once that Rolaids was a cure, and he seemed sincere, but I have my doubts. Really tragic.
Sorry to post bad news, but this one seems worthy of note, even though there have been previous threads on this, just as a reminder.

Having grown up in W. Colorado and now living at 7,000 feet, this kind of thing doesn't really even cross my radar until something like this happens. I do know the best cure is to get to a lower altitude, but if you're as sick as she seemed to be, would that even be possible? It seems it would be at the initial stages if one were aware of what was going on, but lots of people would just think it was the flu or something. Not ever having had altitude sickness, I can only guess that it's no fun. I did have an old-time climber tell me once that Rolaids was a cure, and he seemed sincere, but I have my doubts. Really tragic.

I had minor symptoms the first time I tried to climb Castle & Conundrum. The night before the climb I was camped near 12,000 feet and started not feeling well. I drove back down and as soon as I got below 10,000 feet I felt fine again. I returned the following weekend and had no issues. I haven't had any problems since (which was a few years ago now) and hope it doesn't happen again.
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