A Blast from the Past-HEAPS- Oct. 2010


Feb 15, 2013
My daughter Amy is back from college for 10 days. She will be 21 years old next month,. The subject of her trip through Heaps in 2010 came up. The trip was planned, by her request, as her Sweet sixteen, coming of age present. We brought up the pictures and reminisced. I also noted the collection of characters along for the trip.

From the Yahoo post all those years ago
Me? Old friends and new friends. I love the slot but am terrified of the wall. My daughter deals the challenges. A Big soccer win, as goalie in a battle of the undefeated, against the team that dumped her last year. She would have given up Heaps, as painful as that would have been, before not being there for that! She made the difference. Then a grueling travel that evening, then the canyon, then the travel home and school and team sports....in spite of the walking pneumonia she picked up along the way. A tough and stubborn one, that one is. Thanks to Sonny and friends for escorting her back and forth from Vegas. Yeah good stuff, all around, with this collection of fine folks.

headlamp start from Lava- Amy- Jenny and Pascal behind

Jenny...who's close friends did the first descent of this canyon. For her, this was a special day



My only canyon I recall with...Luca

Amy, with Tom behind

West temple over Phantom Valley

Amy learning knots. Jenny the teacher

recent flow. look how sand has been pushed into the pool on top

And sand is clinging to sandstone as it drys

Pascal reflecting in Phantom Valley

All the way from Italy for the fun- Pascal smiles brightly

Sonny at the beginning. The man is organizing workshops in Ouray between graffiti removal projects all over the southwest


Then the surprise birthday party at Crossroads

A total surprise

From the whole nutty gang

pretty mud....quicksand maybe?

Yup, quicksand

help and support....taking pictures ;-)

pack drag

big wall
