6 million for Az. photo!

Some people have more money than brains......bet the photog is laughing all the way to the bank.
But those are obviously non-master photographers.. i mean.. we can only hope to one day be able to control the elements and light half as adequately as mr Lik... right? no wait.. that's not right at all.. hmm.. I have a photo of a rock in some snow, first 7 million dollar bid gets it and i'll throw in the framing for free ;)
Well when you are a "master photographer" even something similar to what thousands of others have shot commands a premium price.
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Haha ....... should a fixed it to " master con-man" :)
Ha day late and a dollar short ........ er 6.5 mil short.
some people just want to spend millions of dollars on some thing
I think his image is spectacular (as long as he did not modify the "ghost" in PP). Is it worth $6 million? If the image moves the buyer emotionally or physically, and they have the bucks, then more power to them. My problem is with Lik personally, he said he is “one of the most important artists of the 21st century”. Ha! He is a good photographer, with a huge sensor, and a good eye for marketing. And he's kind of a dick, but that should not take away from his work.

I think the more interesting and disturbing media comments to come out of this is not about Lik's take home pay but whether photography should be considered an Art! A good conversation to have (i guess), but these people are about 130 years behind the times. If you don't paint or throw shit onto a canvass then you are not an artist! Amazing we are still talking about photography as an art. Pretty sad.

If it were me, for $10 million I would rather have a room full of images by Edward Weston, Alfred Stieglitz, Manuel Alvarez Bravo or Henri Cartier-Bresson, among others. I don't think Weston sold a print for more than 100 bucks in his lifetime! These people were true artists IMO because they could not exist if they did not create, and it wasn't for the money.

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