3-day technical trip in Utah, early June

Matt Price

Jan 15, 2015
My third thread in a row! I will be in Utah for 3 weeks, and am spending half of it in Dark Canyon, and the rest in shorter trips. One will (hopefully!) be a 3-day trip with an old climbing/hiking buddy, flying out of salt Lake. I would love to do a really challenging, technical trip, either canyoneering (something I've never done, though my friend has done a little I think and has lots of mountaineering experience) or rugged hiking. We can go South or East or wherever, though we want to keep the driving to a reasonable level. Suggestions?

Thank you again!
Well from Cedar Mesa, the closest slots are in North Wash, about 1-2 hours north on 95. Cruise Road Trip Ryan.com and grab BOTH Kelsey's books non and technical on Colorado plateau. That'll keep you occupied selecting a hike. A few that come to mind are Lepruchaun, fry, white canyon?
North Wash is a good choice. There are however some good slots near Cedar Mesa. Look up Cheesebox, Gravel and Fry. I haven't done any of them, but I've heard good things. Oh, and the Black Hole of White Canyon. I have done that. Lots of fun, bring neoprene!
Fry and Short Canyons are nice slots with a few rappels for fun:)
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