2024 Permits/Lotteries

Oh yeah, I already quit even trying. Love Yellowstone, but I've got better ways to spend my time.

Plus, my sites are probably not gonna be hard to get - I just take masochistic joy in the recreation.gov dumpster fire.

Ever find out what was going on?
I struck out on Glacier, again. I'm batting .000 there lifetime at this point.

Landed a two-night permit at Lawn Lake in RMNP and have a Yellowstone window on April 14th. Hoping to get over Electric Pass and to Shelf Lake (and maybe even duck my head over the boundary to see what this 'outside the park' is that Bob speaks of).
Come in the park off Gallatin skyline or the spots along highway... Can make around shelf and high lk without staying in park. Course it's off trail
No luck during the opening of non-lottery permits for Glacier either.

Looks like we're gonna head into the Uintas for a week instead.
If they think this kind of shit will do anything but encourage me to skirt restrictions, they are sorely mistaken. Even my kids know what stealth camping is. ;)
Wreck dot gov is the textbook example of 'perverse incentives'. I don't support ducking the rules, but I predict that the practice will become more common, as red tape (especially for complicated itineraries that involve multiple modes of transport, or multiple management agencies) increases and walk-up permits (administered by real humans) disappear.

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