2-3 NIght Back country Yosemite ideas?

Mike Jones

Feb 19, 2013
I received some unexpected time off from work. Looking to drive up to Yosemite tomorrow and camp, any 2-3 night back country trip recommendations?
Right now the snow level in Yosemite would make most of the high country a winter adventure.

Look at Rancheria Falls out of Hetch-hetchy as your best bet. It stays below about 5,000 feet, which means you won't be hiking or camping in snow. Weekend looks like nice weather, but Tuolumne Meadows, the center for high country hiking, is under about 5-6 feet of snow, and the road they won't open for a couple of months.

You can read about a bunch of our hikes in the Sierra on our website:

I used to live there. around this time, I would snowshoe up to Merced lake and then up to Washburn Lake. This trip is very exciting this time of year! Give it a try :)