Last month, after years of dreaming about it and several months of building it, I took my new raft out on her maiden voyage. Early in the build process I snagged some permits for a couple nights on the Colorado River in Ruby and Horsethief Canyons. It's a pretty popular float in the summer time...
Something happened to me in early July this year that made me really want to spend more time on rivers. Reading The Emerald Mile definitely helped. Also a lot to do with the fact that my knee is still jacked and significant backpacking feels forever out of reach. So shortly after my paddle trip...
Friday - Sunday, August 24-26, 2012
The Original Trip Report on ADVENTR.CO
After work on Friday I met Jackson at the Westwater exit on I-70, after the slower than usual drive through two construction zones, so that we could drop his car off at the Westwater takeout along the Colorado River...