The Seed Jar - Craig Childs on Radiolab


If you've read Finder's Keepers by Craig Childs, this is a must listen. They went back to see if the seed jar they found under the rock was still there 11 years later. If you haven't read it, they give all the back story (almost better than in the book) and it is still very enjoyable. Long at 23 minutes but well worth it.

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(Photo Credit: Regan Choi)
Wow, that's some deeeep shit. As I was listening to them tell their story I felt like I was right along side them. It got me thinking what would I have been more happy with. The idea or thought that it was still there just chillin under that rock as it had for 700 years or so. Or the reality that it was still there just not how I imagined it should be. I guess that there is nothing certain in life and we are just along for the ride. At least they have the memories of that place and the time spent in each others company.