The COVID 17………………………pound weight gain

Jan 18, 2014
I know what ya’ll are thinkin’…how‘d ya get it? Guess it was eatin’ too many sweets n not puttin’ th fork down at th dinner table and th excercise routin bein interrupted by a broken pinkie toe..

Yes, I AM 17 pounds heavier now as compared to th reference pic! AND THAT IS WITH THAT RACCOON ON MY FACE GONE…

My toe messed with my losin weight battle( ta be honest I kept doin yardwork and all th other things to really slow down th healin process).
Now it’s time ta attack th 17 lbs and Texas says ta me,”lemme make it easier and much more painful for ya at th same time by throwing a hunnert (that’s 100 to y’all up north folks) plus degrees n 75% humidity .”

I politely told Texas to bring back th cold…….she said, oh he#* no…

So ta help my on reducin’ th ole pack weight before I meet up with Scatman n th gang in Yellerstone, I thot I’d put this in here in writin so y’all could help me on th straight n narrow by postin my hot n sweaty journey to get rid of my covid17!

Thanks in advance n Happy trails to y’all,

The Trout Whisperer


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I know what ya’ll are thinkin’…how‘d ya get it? Guess it was eatin’ too many sweets n not puttin’ th fork down at th dinner table and th excercise routin bein interrupted by a broken pinkie toe..

Yes, I AM 17 pounds heavier now as compared to th reference pic! AND THAT IS WITH THAT RACCOON ON MY FACE GONE…

My toe messed with my losin weight battle( ta be honest I kept doin yardwork and all th other things to really slow down th healin process).
Now it’s time ta attack th 17 lbs and Texas says ta me,”lemme make it easier and much more painful for ya at th same time by throwing a hunnert (that’s 100 to y’all up north folks) plus degrees n 75% humidity .”

I politely told Texas to bring back th cold…….she said, oh he#* no…

So ta help my on reducin’ th ole pack weight before I meet up with Scatman n th gang in Yellerstone, I thot I’d put this in here in writin so y’all could help me on th straight n narrow by postin my hot n sweaty journey to get rid of my covid17!

Thanks in advance n Happy trails to y’all,

The Trout Whisperer


Waddle up to the bar and I'll commiserate a bit with you, though my tale of woe is more of a seasonal failure of willpower than anything Covid related.

My neighbor's mom lives with them. She is upper 80's and doesn't have a lot to occupy her time, so come the Christmas holiday season the woman starts baking barrels full of cookies - and she is a god level cookie baker. So many cookies, so many varieties, so good. So, so good.

My neighbor gorges himself and then when he comes out of his cookie coma he staggers over and shoves a bunch of cookie tins into my helpless hands. Far be it from me to turn a man away in his time of need. It takes a village.

I am not a man of moderation. I'm either in athlete hyper-strict anal about every calorie and workout mode, or else wondering if there are slow leaks in my whisky bottles and why the hell does the dryer keeps shrinking my pants every week.

Most years this sorts itself out. The winter weather is mild enough to maintain some running, the snow is good enough to put up many days on the skis, and frankly being in good shape takes a whole lot of misery out of most challenging outdoor activities so I dial it back before things completely go off the rails.

This year....

- horrible snow year that didn't even really start until February. 17 days of half-hearted skiing book-ended by way too much unearned après.

- wettest spring in 80 years. I'm a total trail snob, and my disdain for sidewalks and treadmills combined with my utmost respect for the environment made for a ready excuse to skip a whole lot of runs. For months. 50 miles per week? It's half way through June and I'm lucky to put up 15...

- Pfreaking Pfizer. A little Covid blame here I guess. I got both shots and the week after each was like running with half a lung. Another excuse for slobbing out.

- The real estate market. Yes, the historically unhinged real estate market and its insane prices have directly impacted my waistline. We had every intention to move this year, but not wanting to pick up a million dollar mortgage at 48 years old we opted to stay put and spruce the place up until everything implodes and we can cherry pick something out of the carnage. Constructing 100 foot crushed gravel paths, moving a few tons of river rock, manhandling every piece of furniture in the house so that the inside could be painted - I'm a regular Bob freakin Villa. And you've got to eat to fuel all that manual labor, let me tell you. You've got to EAT. And then you've got to RECOVER because it's hard work, and recovery does not involve trail running. It involves chicken tenders. Protein, baby.

A lesser man might see all this as a surplus of excuses and a dirth of motivation, but this is 2021 and the bottom line is that the world has conspired against me and here I sit a victim of things beyond my control.
I know what ya’ll are thinkin’…how‘d ya get it? Guess it was eatin’ too many sweets n not puttin’ th fork down at th dinner table and th excercise routin bein interrupted by a broken pinkie toe..

Yes, I AM 17 pounds heavier now as compared to th reference pic! AND THAT IS WITH THAT RACCOON ON MY FACE GONE…

My toe messed with my losin weight battle( ta be honest I kept doin yardwork and all th other things to really slow down th healin process).
Now it’s time ta attack th 17 lbs and Texas says ta me,”lemme make it easier and much more painful for ya at th same time by throwing a hunnert (that’s 100 to y’all up north folks) plus degrees n 75% humidity .”

I politely told Texas to bring back th cold…….she said, oh he#* no…

So ta help my on reducin’ th ole pack weight before I meet up with Scatman n th gang in Yellerstone, I thot I’d put this in here in writin so y’all could help me on th straight n narrow by postin my hot n sweaty journey to get rid of my covid17!

Thanks in advance n Happy trails to y’all,

The Trout Whisperer

How in the world are you going to outrun the Grizzlies on the Gneiss Creek Trail John? :) I'm bringing a hatchet on our trip, so don't worry about your toe, I'll take care of it for you. One whack should do the trick. I promise that you won't feel any pain. ;)

I'm with you on this one. At the end of December, I weighed 217, the most I have ever weighed. So when March hit, I began to take steps to get back to my fighting weight. Here is my current routine.

- during the week, I walk two miles a day - occasionally up to three or four
- Row on my rowing machine 35 minutes twice a week - slowly working my way up to 45 minutes
- Cycle up City Creek Canyon once a week (15 miles round trip from my house)
- Jog between 2-3 miles on the day after I do my City Creek ride
- Lift weights three times a week
- Go on a hike on Saturday or Sunday depending on family commitments or weather on which day I choose. Saturdays have worked for me lately.
- Stationary bike on the off day on the weekend that I'm not hiking - usually in the 30-45 minute range.

While the exercise is good, and truthfully, I did a lot of the above before my weight gain, I have also adjusted my diet. My serving sizes have decreased for every meal, and lunch is now a handful of plain almonds, a low carb yogurt and rabbit food - some kale, carrots, broccoli, red onion, zucchini, bell pepper and usually a piece of fruit like a pear, apple, orange or grapefruit.

So I have currently lost 12 pounds and am now at 205. Last year for my Heart Lake Trip with @TractorDoc, I was a svelte 203. :D I'm shooting for below 200 for this September's trip. I really need to be somewhere between 185 - 190, but not sure I can get there ever again.

It's my paternal genes you see that are taking over in my mid-fifties. McGirt men, while somewhat tall, were rather portly fellows, who liked to drink beer and smoke cigars. I still have one beer every Saturday night though, usually with a couple of slices of pizza. If I could get rid of those two items I might be able to make 185, but as you well know, a guys got to have at least one vice. :)

I have found to stay in good enough shape to continue to do what I want to do at my age is becoming a full time job.
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I may as well throw in my story of woe. I broke my back on Mother's Day of 2019 on a mountain bike ride. Road cycling was my main form of exercise and since the injury I have had a bit of PTSD related to cycling and find all kinds of reasons to stay off the bikes. Also 3 months of being in pain when I did anything other than a mild walk got me out of the habit of exercise that I had acquired over the last several years. In 2020 covid hit and that just gave me more reasons to hide in my basement. Then the first family kinda thing we had my father-in-law showed up sick and my wife and I got covid. That was in October and I still have issues with lung capacity and occasional weakness.

I am trying to get back into exercise and eating better but like @Wanderlust073 mentioned house and yard work give me all kinds of excuses to not work out and eat a bit more than I should.

I wish all of those trying to get back into the healthy routine good luck.
How in the world are you going to outrun the Grizzlies on the Gneiss Creek Trail John? :) I'm bringing a hatchet on our trip, so don't worry about your toe, I'll take care of it for you. One whack should do the trick. I promise that you won't feel any pain. ;)

I'm with you on this one. At the end of December, I weighed 217, the most I have ever weighed. So when March hit, I began to take steps to get back to my fighting weight. Here is my current routine.

- during the week, I walk two miles a day - occasionally up to three or four
- Row on my rowing machine 35 minutes twice a week - slowly working my way up to 45 minutes
- Cycle up City Creek Canyon once a week (15 miles round trip from my house)
- Jog between 2-3 miles on the day after I do my City Creek ride
- Lift weights three times a week
- Go on a hike on Saturday or Sunday depending on family commitments or weather on which day I choose. Saturdays have worked for me lately.
- Stationary bike on the off day on the weekend that I'm not hiking - usually in the 30-45 minute range.

While the exercise is good, and truthfully, I did a lot of the above before my weight gain, I have also adjusted my diet. My serving sizes have decreased for every meal, and lunch is now a handful of plain almonds, a low crab yogurt and rabbit food - some kale, carrots, broccoli, red onion, zucchini, bell pepper and usually a piece of fruit like a pear, apple, orange or grapefruit.

So I have currently lost 12 pounds and am now at 205. Last year for my Heart Lake Trip with @TractorDoc, I was a svelte 203. :D I'm shooting for below 200 for this September's trip. I really need to be somewhere between 185 - 190, but not sure I can get there ever again.

It's my paternal genes you see that are taking over in my mid-fifties. McGirt men, while somewhat tall, were rather portly fellows, who liked to drink beer and smoke cigars. I still have one beer every Saturday night though, usually with a couple of slices of pizza. If I could get rid of those two items I might be able to make 185, but as you well know, a guys got to have at least one vice. :)

I have found to stay in good enough shape to continue to do what I want to do at my age is becoming a full time job.
Egads man! Gettin rid of beer…ya need more Guinness in tha diet!

I had gotten down to 203 for a couple of years too but now 220…Shooting for 203( but I’ll settle for 208 n legs ready for th trip! I have maybe 12 beers yearly unless I find some great microbreweries(hint,hint).

bet one could shave off a few pounds with that hatchet!
Lol.... You stories are great .... All you have to do is more to the cold... Go out everyday to exercise. . Your body will burn more fat .....
Lol.... You stories are great .... All you have to do is more to the cold... Go out everyday to exercise. . Your body will burn more fat .....
Someone here was glad it’s hot again…not me,
when it was zero degrees, it was easier fo this older than a younger man to get out n exexcise!
Lol.... You stories are great .... All you have to do is more to the cold... Go out everyday to exercise. . Your body will burn more fat .....

There is no cold to be had down here @Bob. It is hotter than Hades. :devil: The weatherman said yesterday that the temperature today might set an all time record for the highest temperature for June in SLC since record keeping began. I'm heading up City Creek in a couple of hours so I'll let you know just how hot it really is.

PS - I might need your help to hold @The Trout Whisperer down so I can work on his toe at the Gneiss Creek field hospital. ;)
There is no cold to be had down here @Bob. It is hotter than Hades. :devil: The weatherman said yesterday that the temperature today might set an all time record for the highest temperature for June in SLC since record keeping began. I'm heading up City Creek in a couple of hours so I'll let you know just how hot it really is.

PS - I might need your help to hold @The Trout Whisperer down so I can work on his toe at the Gneiss Creek field hospital. ;)
High here yesterday was 89 .....low was 47. We need to make sure we have a fire to heat the hatchet up..... Cauterize effect.
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It was 93 in Acadia last week. It was miserably hot and crowded. The back up on the ladders on the beehive trail reminded me of the chains section of angels landing
that's how it was last year for 6 weeks. 90s and 80s in Yellowstone, I needed to cool off in a river each day because it was so hot
Definitely sat in the river after every day. We could have had a campfire on two of our nights, but we didn't even think of it since it was so hot. Going to look to go back into the backcountry there at the end of next week, so we'll see what that is like.
Where are you guys pulling the temp data? NWS for Yellowstone Lake shows nothing close to those temps over the last month.


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