Album Rivers and Streams


Forever Wandering
Apr 8, 2015
You all are bearing the brunt of my late winter boredom here, hence lots of posting of pics.

I did a search and was shocked to not find any threads for this yet. Seemed like a good one to start. Waterways are vitally important to us all, and pretty much all of them have some beauty all of their own.

Going to start off with two pics. First, from a couple days ago, the Missouri River featuring Goat Island. I spent quite a while glassing the area with binoculars and found a new (to me) eagle nest as well as two eagles on Goat Island.

And for something completely different, here's one from Hance Creek in the Grand Canyon. At this point it kind of disappears into the gravel at some places. It was amazing to fall asleep to the cacophony of frogs singing in the early evening here.
Here's an interesting memory I ran across. In the summer of 2012 we experienced a severe drought here. During that time, due to irrigation and other water demands, a portion of the Platte River was sucked completely dry. I took some pictures of it at Columbus NE, I believe, where Highway 81 crosses the river.

