Photoshop CC crashing


Oct 12, 2015
I know there are a lot of Photoshop users here, so I thought I'd start here with an issue I"m having. A few nights ago I finally bought and downloaded the Lightroom and Photoshop CC apps. I have been able to use both LR Classic CC and LR CC with no problems. However, every time I've tried to open Photoshop, i get a message that the program crashed, but it doesn't give me any other info. Has anyone else had this issue before? If so, how'd you resolve it?

This is the only message I'm getting.

I get that with Premiere from time to time. Assuming you're up to date, the best bet is to uninstall and reinstall. That always seems to do the trick.
I tried the uninstall and reinstall trick last night, still didn't work.

I then saw on some Adobe forums that some people were having to uninstall 2018 and instead run PS 2017. I tried that and it seems to be working. I guess this will have to do for now.
Update: Like I said in that last message, I was able to download and open PS 2017. However, once I've got the program open, nothing seems to work. All of the menu options at the top are grayed out so that I can't select anything. ugh, I'm frustrated!