Guess the spot: Maps Edition

Reminds me of where the Missouri widens from damming, but I don't think the Missouri is obscure enough for this thread.
It does look like a river that's dammed up. Either my eyes are bad, or Ben cleverly made it so we can't read anything written on that map.
It is the Boise river. Not too obscure, but more so than the missouri. There are actually two reservoirs, the first being lucky peak. Boise city is just out of the frame.
ortenburger lake, Grand Teton over by Moran Creek
dangit @LarryBoy , you beat me to it, I didn't see your message until i posted mine. I'm just happy i found it without even having a clue of where it was at.
Well played sir, you're up. :)

This shouldn't be too hard... what's the name of this mountain?

(also has anyone ever done an east-west traverse of this range? I'm looking at doing a trip there this summer)
This shouldn't be too hard... what's the name of this mountain?

(also has anyone ever done an east-west traverse of this range? I'm looking at doing a trip there this summer)
Seems to me there must be 1 0r 2 or 20 people here that know about an east-west traverse of the Beartooths. Me, that is for the future. My experience is limited to day hikes, overnighters and drooling over others TR's here. Seems to me that @John Goering might know of a route - he is expert in the range.
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