Fish & Owl Creek Canyons Prep


The mountains are calling and I must go
Mar 31, 2013
I'm doing the Fish & Owl loop the second week in April.

I'm planning on going down Fish & up Owl. Based on what I've read Fish is mostly dry, but can be found starting 2 miles above the confluence in Fish to the confluence. Also that there are several springs in Owl.
Does anyone have knowledge on where to find reliable water in either of these canyons, especially springs and swimming holes. GPS or other location data is appreciated.

I know that it is bad form to post locations of ruins on public sites. So, if you have any info on finding or getting to any of the ruins found in and around these canyons would you please PM me with info. Much thanks.

I've also read that coming up Owl that you have to take a side canyon to avoid a pour off and that you have to take a particular fork, which is easy to miss, to exit Owl.

Any other tips or first hand experience would be greatly appreciated. I should point out that we have two great TR here on BCP .

@ben cowan has a great TR on the area here

@TheDunedain has one here
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when we did it six weeks earlier in the year there was no shortage of water. so i don't know about springs. routes were cairned for the entrances and exits of the canyons, i believe by blm rangers. there is a very obvious ruin under an overhang near the trail head in owl, in good condition.
Fish is very steep. I would recommend climbing out of it rather than down it. Last year this time of the year water was plentiful in Owl. You'll wander upon pools and streams while walking the trail. In Fish there was a 6 - 8 mile stretch before the confluence that was dry. If your looking for ruins check out Bullet Canyon in the Grand Gulch.
Is there any walking through water like Coyote Gulch?
I have done the loop twice, although it has been a while. I do not recall any wading or walking through water. BTW I like your route, the climb down into Fish might be a little sketchy, but you know the capabilities of your group. You might take a little walk up Fish when you enter, as hardly anyone ventures past the "normal exit" when climbing out might be worth it. :)
When we were there water was high as it had rained, and was still raining. Nearly every where though both creeks were still small enough you could just hop across. Should be safe to plan on not getting your feet wet if you don't want to.
I have done the loop twice, although it has been a while. I do not recall any wading or walking through water. BTW I like your route, the climb down into Fish might be a little sketchy, but you know the capabilities of your group. You might take a little walk up Fish when you enter, as hardly anyone ventures past the "normal exit" when climbing out might be worth it. :)
Cool-thanks! Looks like there lots in lower FIsh, but i havent read anything about upper Fish. Is there much to see?
When we were there water was high as it had rained, and was still raining. Nearly every where though both creeks were still small enough you could just hop across. Should be safe to plan on not getting your feet wet if you don't want to.

Thanks. Based on your photos I thought as much, but decided I'd better make sure.