

Mar 6, 2014
We were backpacking in the Roost this week. One afternoon two of us decided to explore a canyon that was mentioned as 'no rope needed' on the photocopied Kelsey map we had along. It turned very narrow, frighteningly narrow, and not being canyoneers we were relieved to finally pop out into the sunlight at the bottom.

Later at home we learned it's called Chambers and regarded as being of high quality.

Might have to get into this sport next.

A few feet in there was a chimney into a big drop. Done with that it was clear we were only headed deeper in if we wanted to live.

One of the many chambers the canyon is named after.

Stemming high above the bottom to traverse the skinniest section

The last move is a 6' drop into soft sand
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I didn't realize I was claustrophobic until these photos! haha
Really exciting to see! Thanks for the share!
Looks great, thanks for sharing this.
More than one person has confused “no ropes needed” with “non-technical walkthrough.” If people are wanting to do this one make sure you look up more info first. That said it’s a beautiful canyon and one of my favorites!

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Chambers is kind of terrifying, especially for us bigger folks. This story from Chambers is pretty much my worst slot canyon nightmare:

I got claustrophobic just reading that account...

Looking at the pics.. yeah, not my kind of place. I'm short, fat, the least flexible person I know and majorly claustrophobic. Big thumbs up to people who post trip reports I can live vicariously though.
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I'm glad you posted pictures because it looks like the kind of place I shouldn't go myself. Beautiful, but I'll stick to pictures.
Yes, def technical even if no gear was needed. I'd say the 20' up-climb to get over the really narrow part was at least 5.8 chimney/squeeze. The rest was okay.

I like hearing climber's interpretations for climbing grades in slot canyons. I often read "5.11d X!" in some canyon descriptions, and then see a video of a 5.8 handjam on the video. It's apples vs. oranges really

Thanks for posting some pictures. The chambers sections look really cool.