Capitol Reef - May 25-28 2012


I slay white dragons, adventure, and take photos
Jan 20, 2012
We've made plans to stay in Torrey and do hikes in/around the park with the family for Memorial Day weekend.

Thanks for all of the trip reports and trip planning shared here.
I've learned a ton, and thus far have a plan to hit:
  • Hamburger Rocks
  • Golden Throne (+ Bighorn Sheep)
  • Pleasant Creek (+rock art)
  • Sunset Point
  • Navajo Knobs + Hickman Bridge
  • Sulphur Creek from the bottom-up
  • Part/s of Burro Wash, Cottonwood Wash, or *Sheets Gulch Slot Canyons
  • And let the kids play in the motel pool
Other to think about/plan:
  • Burr Trail switchbacks to Strike Valley Overlook
  • Cassidy Arch
Anything that you think I might be missing or that you suggest that we definitely see while there that left an impression on you?
Besides having fun, I'm looking to build up endurance for the two younger ones, as I'm hoping that they can make it to Timp with me this year and experience that. I want them to enjoy it, but push themselves a little.
I highly recommend Sulphur Creek if you can arrange transit... it is the hidden gem of that part of CRNP. I enjoyed Cassidy Arch when I hiked it in 2008 but the exposure could be a problem for the young ones. If you're going as far south as the slots on the Bullfrog-Notom Road you might want to consider continuing on to the Burr Trail switchbacks, climbing them before they're paved and doing the hike to the Strike Valley Overlook. It's a more backcountry experience but fairly easy to navigate and the view is unparalleled.
  • and I'm pretty sure I'm missing one more possibly from Miss Buffalo, but maybe I'm confused.

I'm still working on my TR, I guess it's due next week after my last final exam.
I know I'm late, but I'm so busy.... :(

I can highly recommend Navajo Knobs, it's really a nice hike. You can combine Hickman Bridge and Navajo Knobs, because it's the same trail head.
Another nice hike is up to The Golden Throne, you often see Bighorn Sheep up there. A wonderful pleasant hike in late afternoon.

Another option is Pleasant Creek, nice rock art along the way, water crossings, remote.

I'll give it another try with Sulphur Creek in June, I skipped the hike because it was so freakin' cold in April when I was there and I wasn't pleased to walk in cold water with that nasty windchill. And especially without a shuttle and walking back when being cold and wet was something I wanted to avoid.

Unfortunately the slots on the east side are still on my bucket list, because there was so much to see in the main part of the part that I was simply running out of time.
You can always hike Sulphur from the bottom up. The first waterfall is less then a half mile from the VC and I've done this a few times with the kids.
Detention for you, write 100 lines
I am going to CapitOl Reef.

Ha yes! I posted this at 1 AM - my fault!

I'm still working on my TR, I guess it's due next week after my last final exam.
I know I'm late, but I'm so busy.... :(

Great, great advice - thank you! I'll put those on my list as must-sees! I thought that you had discussed CRNP in a planning thread or something.

You can always hike Sulphur from the bottom up. The first waterfall is less then a half mile from the VC and I've done this a few times with the kids.

More great advice. Thank you Summit. The wife really wants to do Sulphur, and a bottom-up approach would be great I think. Much appreciated!
Great, great advice - thank you! I'll put those on my list as must-sees! I thought that you had discussed CRNP in a planning thread or something.

Somehow I never posted anything after my trip. :( Shame on me...
But Navajo Knobs is definitely a great hike, you can combine it with Hickman Bridge into a great day of hiking. And don't miss the viewpoints at Rim Overlook. It's a little bit exposed, but you'll like it.
Hopefully you're having better weather conditions than I had. (45++mph wind gusts!!)

Cassidy Arch is a nice hike, where will you start? From Grand Wash TH? Or Fruita CG and then up to Cohab Canyon, Frying Pan to the Arch?

I also liked Golden Throne trail and Chimney Rock trail, but you have not mentioned those two so far.
Burr trail switchbacks, definitely a great trip, but Strike Valley is best in late afternoon.
  • Navajo Knobs is definitely a great hike, you can combine it with Hickman Bridge into a great day of hiking.
  • Don't miss the viewpoints at Rim Overlook. 45++mph wind gusts!! -
  • Cassidy Arch is a nice hike
  • I also liked Golden Throne trail and Chimney Rock trail
  • Burr trail switchbacks, definitely a great trip, but Strike Valley is best in late afternoon.
Awesome info! Golden Throne and Chimney Rock do look awesome. I just didn't want to try to compress too many things into the trip, and leave some 'free time' there so I don't beat up the kids :roflmao:I know that I can get 5 miles out of my 7 year old at the end of last year, and this will be his first big hiking weekend this year. I'm hoping to get that up to 7-8 (round-trip) mid-summer. But if we do Cassidy, it would be using the shortest route, and I'll research that.

Perhaps the next a great question for everyone would be to rank the list I have from 1-10, ranking from (1) Must-see (10) See next-time. Thoughts?

I've learned a ton, and thus far have a plan to hit:
  • Hamburger Rocks
  • Golden Throne (+ Bighorn Sheep)
  • Pleasant Creek (+rock art)
  • Sunset Point
  • Navajo Knobs + Hickman Bridge
  • Sulphur Creek from the bottom-up
  • Part/s of Burro Wash, Cottonwood Wash, or *Sheets Gulch Slot Canyons
  • And let the kids play in the motel pool
Other to think about/plan:
  • Burr Trail switchbacks to Strike Valley Overlook
  • Cassidy Arch
Awesome info! Golden Throne and Chimney Rock do look awesome. I just didn't want to try to compress too many things into the trip, and leave some 'free time' there so I don't beat up the kids :roflmao:I know that I can get 5 miles out of my 7 year old at the end of last year, and this will be his first big hiking weekend this year. I'm hoping to get that up to 7-8 (round-trip) mid-summer. But if we do Cassidy, it would be using the shortest route, and I'll research that.

Perhaps the next a great question for everyone would be to rank the list I have from 1-10, ranking from (1) Must-see (10) See next-time. Thoughts?

I would say with so many options to choose from you can decide depending on weather conditions and your conditions :D
If you're all toasted after the first day of hiking, just do some of the easier stuff.

Navajo Knobs will be a long day with a lot of elevation gain on your way up. Good thing you hike down on your way back. ;)
The shortest way to Cassidy Arch is from the Grand Wash TH and that trail also offers a lot of nice views. The trails gradually gains elevation on the first third and again a little bit at the end, where you basically walk on slickrock. But the views down into Grand Wash are spectacular.

I would definitely do Sulphur Creek, I guess your 7 year old will love the waterfalls. Too bad I couldn't do it.

Golden Throne and Chinmey Rocks are both nice and almost the same in length. Some elevation gain in the beginning of both trails and great views along the trail of both. Here you have to choose..

My ranking would be like that:

-Sulphur Creek(I love waterfalls!!!)
-Navajo Knobs and Hickman Bridge
-Golden Throne
-Strike Valley and East Side
-Pleasant Creek
-Cassidy Arch
-Chimney Rock
-Cohab Canyon

The problem is to get the main canyon and east side into one trip. I couldn't do it and was running out of time.
So maybe you should set some priorities.
One or two days main canyon and one day east side, something like that.
I would agree with Yvonne that you should set some priorities beforehand. I'm definitely familiar with the tendency to try and squeeze everything into one trip, but even with four days there's no way you'll be able to do everything on your list. I would recommend the front country routes if this is your first visit there.

Navajo Knobs would definitely be an all day hike. Sulphur Creek is awesome and a great place to be on a hot day. I imagine Pleasant Creek would be nice, too. The Frying Pan trail is my favorite in the park and links the Cassidy Arch and Cohab Canyon trails, but without a vehicle shuttle it's almost 10 miles, so again a full day. Golden Throne is nice, so is Grand Wash. Cathedral Valley is pretty awesome, too, and would be a good way to break up the hiking a bit so that the kids don't get too worn out.

Whatever you choose, I hope you and the fam have a blast!
Whatever you choose, I hope you and the fam have a blast!

That helps a lot! Thanks so much. My bro and his fam are now in as well, so our itinerary will definitley change since we'll have more poeple to get around logistically. Although it does create an opportunity for a shuttle :twothumbs: (4 adults and 2 cars now, instead of 2 and 1).

Thank you again! I'm so psyched!