Buckskin/Paria in mid Nov???

John Morrow

May 22, 2015
Anyone give me an idea if Nov is a decent month for this? Air temps, water depths and temps, suit up? No shuttle so thinking Adams exit and loop back through White Pocket. Hoping for potholes in White Pocket.

In reality, more like planning a few weeks of summits, canyons, and petroglyphs in the Mojave but thought I'd ask.

I don't have much good info for the lower Paria, but I've explored the Upper Paria in depth in November. It's a bit more open, but some really great extended loop opportunities. Bull Valley/Willis Creek, down to the Paria, up Hackberry, overland back to your car could eat up 10 days real easy. Not treading water the entire time, but neo-socks made things a bit more comfortable for the few times I was in water. This is the most overlooked portion of the Monument imo.

Hope that helps. Always love your photo's and TR's.
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Went thru Buckskin and the Paria last week and water was waist-deep, after three weeks of dry weather. There's been some rain between then and now, at least up in SLC. I'd expect at least waist-deep given the fact that not much evaporates at this time of year. Once in the Paria itself, it wasn't more than about knee-deep except in a couple spots.

We also did it without a shuttle - just stuck our thumbs out. Got two quick rides to Page, and in Page there's a cab that'll take you to the House Rock Valley Rd for $50. Lot cheaper than a shuttle.

Water in the Paria will be pretty cold as the Paria drains a pretty high-elevation area.
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I don't have much good info for the lower Paria, but I've explored the Upper Paria in depth in November. It's a bit more open, but some really great extended loop opportunities. Bull Valley/Willis Creek, down to the Paria, up Hackberry, overland back to your car could eat up 10 days real easy. Not treading water the entire time, but neo-socks made things a bit more comfortable for the few times I was in water. This is the most overlooked portion of the Monument imo.

Hope that helps. Always love your photo's and TR's.

Hey Dan, thought you might chime in, thanks. Guess I never posted here, but I did the very loop you recommended last April. It really has some of everything and time for side trips is key! TR's here:

http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8024030 Pt 1
http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8024088 Pt 2
http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8024122 Pt 3

Thank you Larry for the info. May be more water than I want to deal with. Ever heard or notice teh Adam's exit?
Very nice! It's been a couple of years since I've been in that area, and I'm itching for a return.

Sorry I can't be of more help on Buckskin. Just doesn't get my blood going like other areas for some reason. Good luck.