Backpacking destination needed in Escalante area.


Feb 23, 2012
I have an 11 year old boy that is rapidly on his way to becoming a teenager. My goal for this summer is to spend a lot of time camping with him. With that goal in mind I would like to make a backpacking trip to the Escalante area this weekend or next. My plans are to leave after school on Friday and travel to the area to car camp Friday night. Hike in on Saturday and camp Saturday night. Hike out Sunday and return home. I currently do not have a 4X4 so I need a trailhead that can be reached by car. Would like to find something that is around 5 miles and has lots of water to play in. I appreciate any advice anyone can give me.
I will be watching this post, as I have a 9 and 7 year old that are itching to get out and do some backpacking. We were looking to get out that way in a few weeks, but I have never been backpacking or hiking in the Escalante.

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There are many great options down Hole-in-the-Rock Road but I wouldn't recommend any of them with your timeframe. Once you drive all the way to Escalante and then way down Hole-in-the-Rock, only having one night is kind of short.

And are you looking for something about 5 miles each way so 10 round trip or 5 miles round trip?

My top recommendation would probably be to start from the Escalante town trailhead and go down into the upper Escalante River Gorge. It gets deep very fast and pretty much follows the river bed so plenty of water to play in. There is a big alcove about 2-3 miles in with some pictographs that are cool to see. Alternately, you could go start from the Highway 12 bridge over the Escalante River and go up or downstream. Upstream takes you past Escalante Natural Bridge, an arch and a cool cliff dwelling with some rock art below. But the canyon is much wider and less dramatic than it is in the upper section of the canyon. I would very much prefer a hike in the upper section, especially if it is nice and warm out.

Other options would be to drop into Sand Creek on the Boulder Mail Trail like we did on the backcountrypost member trip in March. Or if water levels were suitable, a trip down into Boulder Creek from Highway 12 near the Hog's back.
My kids LOVE WIllow and couldnt of cared less about the Escalante gorge the two times we've hiked in it. The natural water slide and dozens of little mini pools are worth the extra hour or so of driving each way even with a short schedule.

Just my .02 but having the water park like features with little risk of them being washed away makes for a much better experience.
There are many great options down Hole-in-the-Rock Road but I wouldn't recommend any of them with your timeframe. Once you drive all the way to Escalante and then way down Hole-in-the-Rock, only having one night is kind of short.

And are you looking for something about 5 miles each way so 10 round trip or 5 miles round trip?

My top recommendation would probably be to start from the Escalante town trailhead and go down into the upper Escalante River Gorge. It gets deep very fast and pretty much follows the river bed so plenty of water to play in. There is a big alcove about 2-3 miles in with some pictographs that are cool to see. Alternately, you could go start from the Highway 12 bridge over the Escalante River and go up or downstream. Upstream takes you past Escalante Natural Bridge, an arch and a cool cliff dwelling with some rock art below. But the canyon is much wider and less dramatic than it is in the upper section of the canyon. I would very much prefer a hike in the upper section, especially if it is nice and warm out.

Other options would be to drop into Sand Creek on the Boulder Mail Trail like we did on the backcountrypost member trip in March. Or if water levels were suitable, a trip down into Boulder Creek from Highway 12 near the Hog's back.

this is pretty much exactly what i would suggest minus Boulder Creek, at least the lower section - the water is still too cold and there is a lot of waist deep wading and swimming in the lower section. great fun in hot weather, not so great when the temps are not quite up there yet & the water is still running rather cold. the middle section, which is described in Steven Allen's book Canyoneering 3 (i think he refers to it as upper) would be a great option. there is little to no wading but plenty of water. it is a route that goes through part of dry hollow as well. the weather for the weekend is supposed to be in the mid seventies in Boulder = a little warmer down i the canyons. that might make dealing with the colder water worthwhile. you also would most likely see no one else.
it is a gorgeous small canyon with a lot of sandstone fluting in the creek bottom in spots. very limited in terms of entry exit spots though.
Correction. I've never done the upper end on the Escalante only gone upstream from highway12.
The upper Escalante is a great hike and would be great for kids***. It is also very easy so great for beginners. It is not a slickrock paradise of waterfalls and pools but it is also way easier and at least an hour closer.

***Disclaimer: I don't have kids, but I'm still quite confident that an 11-year old would enjoy this hike.
I have an 11 year old boy that is rapidly on his way to becoming a teenager. My goal for this summer is to spend a lot of time camping with him. With that goal in mind I would like to make a backpacking trip to the Escalante area this weekend or next. My plans are to leave after school on Friday and travel to the area to car camp Friday night. Hike in on Saturday and camp Saturday night. Hike out Sunday and return home. I currently do not have a 4X4 so I need a trailhead that can be reached by car. Would like to find something that is around 5 miles and has lots of water to play in. I appreciate any advice anyone can give me.

greetings man...
hope it's not too late.
Fortymile Gulch - Willow Creek Loop is what your after if it's the unforgetable familial bonding moment you seek.

this is it.

Here's your itinerary:
Fri night - park the vehicle at Sooner Rock or better yet spot the car @ Willow Creek Trailhead and jog/walk the 1.5mi back to camp at Sooner Rock.
Sat - down Fortymile Gulch and up Willow. Lots of (flowing) water. Lots of slot. and plenty of deep narrows that play the sunlight light a Kaleidoscope. the canyons never really open up. it just keeps coming at you. explore the handful of disturbed and undisturbed ruins along the way. set up a camp in spectacular cave overlooking willow arch and the creek (see the link for beta).
Sun - a bit more water and some shallow slots dump to within a few hundred feet of the Willow Creek trailhead parking.

the biggest grins and the deepest gazes appear on my 7 and 4 year old daughters faces whenever anyone brings up the topic of nature/outdoors. and that is due to our two glorious days and nights we spent in fortymile and willow last october.

good luck!
So, had to change plans a little. My wife has decided that she wanted to go along and bring my 6 year old. I have spent the week buying gear for my wife.:) I like to buy gear.

The plan is to leave Friday afternoon and car camp somewhere in the Escalante area on Friday night. Hike down Willow Gulch on Sat. morning and camp near the arch. Then spend the rest of the day Sat. looking around. This will be the first backpacking trip for my wife so I want to take it easy on her. We will return home on Sun.

The alternate plan is to park at the Escalante town trailhead and hike east along the Escalante river and camp somewhere in there for Sat. night.

Thanks for all the help planning this trip.
Good call especially with the 6yo coming along. There's great car camping around Sooner rocks and its an easy 1.8 mile hike from the Willow TH to Broken Bow Arch.